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After lunch, school was boring like usual. Now walking to my last class of the day, I was tired and couldn't wait to get home to the comfort of my bed.

I take my usual set, by myself, at the back of the classroom and get my books out. As the final bell summons everyone to English, I spot Lucas. He walks through the door like he owns the school even though he's only been here a day. He's the last one in class and the only seat left is (unfortunately) beside me. Oh hell.

Just as I thought my whole 'avoid the god (Lucas)' plan was going great, he has to sit beside me. Now I have to resist the urge to talk to him or to touch his perfectly messy hair.

Get over yourself.

Guh! It's going to be a long hour.

I move my stuff off his side of the conjoined desks and slide my chair as far away from his as possible. He shoots me a confused look and I just ignore him.

Mrs Paylen starts the lesson, so I busy myself with taking notes, trying not to stare at him out of the corner of my eye. As my control slips away I snatch a glance at him, to find him staring straight back. I look away with a blush and hide my face with my long, blonde hair.

The lesson seems to drag on much the same and I struggle to pay attention because I can feel his gaze through the wall of my hair. Stop looking at me! I want to scream.

The final bell rings and I start to gather my things into my bag. I slide past Lucas, trying to escape before he catches me. I reach the door, but then halfway down the corridor I feel a smooth, familiar hand touch my arm. I look up to find the angel I have been avoiding all day.

"Hey" He says politely.

"Hi" I mutter, slightly annoyed.

"Are you okay?" He asks, confused.

"I'm fine"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No" Yes. If it weren't for the fact that you look like a model, then I wouldn't be having these problems.

"Then why are you so annoyed?" he pushes.

"Just tired" I reply, forcing a smile.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could walk with you back home?" He asks.

"You've forgotten the way, haven't you?" I question.

"Or maybe I just want to spend more time with your wonderful self" he says.

"Doubt it" I mutter.

We walk along the path, silently walking past the familiar neighbourhoods. I look around as we pass the community park, I smile at the many memories I've had there. Lucas must've notice my change in mood because he looks at me.

"Why so happy?" He asks, sounding genuinely curious.

I point to the park on our left. Remembering the memories of the happy childhood I had before my parents split up. I look over to the playground and my smile grows even broader.

I grab Lucas' arm and pull him in the direction of the park. I drag him across the bridge and up the small hill towards the playground. I start to climb, till I reach the flat wood platform at the top. I look down to see Lucas staring at me.

"Are you coming?" I ask. "You can't tell me your scared of heights!" I shout, laughing.

"No!" he shouts "I'm coming"

He starts to climb and I look away towards the view of the town. It's spectacular up here, you an see all the people walking around the park and also if you look further away you can see Hackles bay gleaming in all it's glory.

I hear a thud, and look down to see Lucas face down towards the wood platform. He looks up exasperated, I just laugh. He finally pulls himself up and looks around, a genuine smile plasters his lips. I can't help but smile even more.

"This is amazing" He whispers, not wanting to ruin the peaceful view.

"You should see it when the sun sets" I whisper back.

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