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After coming out of the toilet, I check my hair to fix a few loose strands and walk out into the mass of people dancing ridiculously. I laugh at their stupidness. I see Lilly and Sam talking in the corner, Lilly bursts out in a fit of laughter at something Sam must've said. I smile even wider at my very happy best friend, then walk back towards the gazebo.

As my feet walk out the open double doors, I lift my head to see my nightmare.

The schools bitch, Lauren Taylor has her lips suctioned against Lucas' face.


My mind screams in fury, and all my forgotten insecurities resurface. I fight my eyes away from it and run across the parking lot with the tears flowing down my cheeks. I run, not knowing where I'm going, just somewhere away from my destroyed hopes. I eventually can't run anymore and collapse on the the cold grass, next to a bunch of bushes. Sobs crack my body uncontrollably.

It happened again.

The thing I tried for years to avoid. Heartbreak.

I let out a whimper.

My thoughts curse me for being so stupid, letting someone into my life, making me vulnerable. My thoughts resurface the forgotten pain and my body curls over, making me fall in a crumpled position on the ground.

I thought he loved me. I really thought he was different from the usual shallow, big-headed boys her walk the corridors of my school. I thought he was going to be something special, something I would want to spend every waking hour with.


No, he turned out the same.

My strangled sobs fill the cool night air and in the distance I can hear a dog howl. Maybe he can sense my pain, maybe someone cares about me in this hell hole of a world.

I crave the comfort of a warm hug. Not just any hug, his. I let out another cry of pain, am I dying. This feeling in my chest makes me think that my heart is slowly caving in on itself, not able to handle another sob.

My pain drags on, like a never ending paper cut to my finger. I sit there crumpled in a ball, crying onto the silk of my dress.

Then a tap on my shoulder pulls me out of my suicidal thoughts. I look up to see the cause of my pain.


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