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His features pull up into a grin.

"Ok." He whispers.

My eyes droop as he takes off his shoes and climbs on top of my bed. His arms find my waist and he wriggles himself towards me. He rests his head against the top of mine, my head fitting into the perfect groove of his neck. My eyelids close even further and I feel sleep pulling at me.

Half a sleep, I feel Lucas' long arms wrap over my tiny body, making me into a burrito of warmth. I pull my thin arms out from my body and caress his perfect face construction. I feel the tiny hairs beginning to grow on his chin and along his checks. My fingers glide through his hair, messing it up as I pull his head down to meet mine. Without any resistance, our lips graze each others softly, then with more power. I feel the force of our lips connected once more, then pull away with an interrupting yawn.

He laughs lightly and rests is nose against mine.

"Goodnight Isabel." He whispers, spreading warm air over my lips."I love you."

My lips spread in a smile.

"I love you too." I whisper back and give him another lingering kiss.

He pulls back smiling and brings his hand to close my eyelids. Sending another kiss against my forehead, I let my exhaustion overwhelm me sending me into a dreamless sleep, safe and sound in his arms.


The deep sound of snoring is enough to wake anybody up and as my eyes open, I am greeted with closed eyes and a mouth agape, dribbling. My heart warms at the sight of him,but my mouth betrays my thought of letting him sleep, with a fit of giggles.

I try to stop myself with my hand, but it fails and Lucas' eyes soon flutter open.

"Morning." I strain out, trying not to laugh.

I fail miserably and burst out again, accidentally hitting Lucas in the head with my flailing hand, making me laugh even harder. He reaches a hand to his faces, rubbing it, making me laugh even harder, so much that I'm curled into a ball, clutching my saw stomach.

"Ouch." He says pouting his lip dramatically.

I manage to crawl out of my ball of laughter, and he's towards him.

"Sowwy." I whisper and crawl onto his now crossed legs.

I kiss the place where I hit him.

"All better?" I say in an overly sweet voice.

He nods and smiles, then leans down and kisses my expectant lips. I pull away and press my forehead to his, wrapping my hands through his messy bed hair. I connect our lips together again, and we don't part for what seems like forever.

Eventually we break away, smiling.

"I'm hungry." I whisper, laughing.

"You're always hungry." He whispers back.

"I know." I say laughing, then pull myself off the bed, dragging Lucas behind me.

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