School is cool.

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Once me a Lucas arrive at school we realise the bell must've gone already so we rush to our classes with only a quick goodbye. I just make it to Gym before the final bell rings and I'm relieved to find that most of the girls haven't finished changing yet. I get changed and head to my first class of the day.

After my first classes are finished and it has finally reached lunch, I speed through the busy corridors toward the cafeteria. I see Lilly and sit at our table , like usual. But then after a few minutes Lucas taps on my shoulder.

"Can I sit with you guys?" He asks Lilly and I, probably already knowing my answer.

"Sure" I say straight away, getting a look from Lilly.

"Ok" Lilly finally gives in after looking from me to Lucas many times.

"Thanks" Lucas says sitting beside me.

I reach into my bag and grab my left over macaroni and cheese from the night before and start eating. After a moment I realise Lilly is looking at Lucas. I glance at Lucas and see him staring at me smiling. Lilly speaks up.

"Is there something I should know about you two?"

"Umm... " I try to say before I'm cut of by Lucas.

"Yes" He says confidently.

"Isabel?" Lilly questions.

"Umm.. Well we like each other." I say unsure of myself.

"Hah!" She screams, getting looks from the people around us.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Miss 'I hate love' has a boyfriend" she teases.

"Shut up" I blush.

I look down at my macaroni and cheese and start picking at it, then I eat it. I eventually look over to Lucas and see him not eating.

"Why aren't you eating?" I ask. "You can have some of mine if you want?" I offer Lucas

Lilly gapes at me.

"OMG she must really like you if she's offering you food." She says seriously.

Lucas laughs. "No thanks, not hungry"

I giggle at Lilly's gob smacked expression.

"We're really serious about food" I explain to Lucas who was looking a bit confused/amused at Lilly's reaction. "We usually don't share our food with anybody."

"Well I better have some then, if this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." He laughs.

I give him some and Lilly continues to be speechless. We both laugh at her.

Lucas puts his arm around my shoulder and my smile grows broader.

"Eww PDA " Lilly moans.

We just laugh.

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