He's cute.

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I hear my name being called, so I look across the cafeteria. Lilly. I walk towards my bubbly friend and when I reach her she points in the direction of our table. I see people sitting there and frown.

"Where are we going to sit?" Lilly asks me.

"I don't know. We could sit outside." I suggest.

She looks past my shoulder.

"Hey Lucas!" she shouts, as Lucas walks to my side.

"Why are you guys standing over here?" he asks.

"Some bastards stole our seats." Lilly explains bitterly.

"We could sit with my friends" Lucas suggests and points towards the direction where his friends are seated.

My eyes narrow as I see Jordan seats at the table next to 'the witch' as I like to call her. Lilly noticed my face and stares towards the table.

"No thanks, Lucas. I think we might just sit outside, might as well make the most of the glorious summer weather." Lilly answers and I look at her with thankful eyes.

"Ok" Lucas says and loops his arm through mine. "I'm coming too."

We walk outside and find a table under the shade of a tree. Lilly sits opposite to Lucas and I. I open my bag and pull out my bacon, egg and tomato sandwich. Lilly does the same and pulls out her ham and cheese one. Lucas opens his and pulls out some heart-shaped cookies.

Lilly cracks up laughing and eventually I do the same. Lucas looks at us.

"So I'm guessing you don't want some then." He mutters.

Lilly and I stop laughing.

"I want some." Lilly whines like a baby.

I hug Lucas' arm. "I want some too." I agree and pull my best puppy dog face.

"Fine" he finally cracks and hands us some.

I examine the little cookie and smile. It is pink with silver sprinkles. I take a bite and smile even wider. They're delicious!

Lilly moans in delight and finishes the last bite.

"Thanks" I lean against Lucas' shoulder.

"You're welcome"

"Your mum is the best." I say swallowing the last piece of my cookie.

Lilly goes back to eating her sandwich and I reach for mine. I take a bite and eventually finish it all, whilst leaning on Lucas' shoulder. he wraps his arm around my back and pulls me closer to him making me release a smile and covering my face with a tomato-red blush.

As we sit there, Samuel Clark approaches and Lilly stiffens.

"Hey Lucas. Just letting you know that there are soccer sign ups after school in the Gym." He talks to Lucas.

"Thanks bro." Lucas replies. "Ill be there."

Sam turns and leaves and Lilly relaxes.

"I never knew you played soccer?" I look at Lucas.

"You never asked." He replies. "Lilly are you ok? You look like you're about to puke."

I stare at Lilly and see her pale face looking at her sandwich. I laugh. Lilly glares at me.

"Shut up." she mutters.

"Is there something your not telling me, Lilly?" Lucas says, chuckling.

"She likes Sam." I tell him.

"Isabel!" Lilly screams.

"It's so obvious, he was going to find out sooner rather then later." I reply honestly.

"Poo bum" she mutters.

I laugh at her pathetic insult.

The bell rings and I peel myself away from Lucas, but not with out giving him a light hug. I say goodbye and head to my last class, which is Gym.

I get changed and walk into the gym. I look at the soccer set up and smile. We begin to play and time seems to fly, then the final bell rings.

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