Ice cream.

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I walk out of mums bedroom to my own. I grab my phone from the bedside table and text Lucas.

Me: Can't wait to see you for dinner:D

He texts back almost instantly.

Him: Why don't you come see me now (window)

I walk to my curtains and pull them open. My angel. There he is, with morning hair and no shirt on, squinting from the sun in his eyes. He smiles and waves. I wave back.

Him: You're cute.

His eyes examine me. I look down and gasp at what I'm wearing. My oversized shirt has the words 'I am sexy' plastered on the front. Shit, I forgot. I blush.

He laughs.

Me: :/

Him: Don't worry, I agree with your shirt.

I blush even more.

Him: I love it when you blush.

Me: -.-

Him: What are you doing today?

Me: Watching cheesy romances and eating ice cream 'till we're sick. We as in My mother and I :D

Him: :0

Me: What are your plans?

Him: I might go for a run. Other then that, nothing.

Me: Eww... Running for fun.

Him: hahahah.

Me: Well you go for your fun whilst I lie on the couch eating a tub of ice cream :P

Him: Have fun :D x.

Me: Yeah, you too... :/ Text later?

Him: Always. Xx

I look up at him and wave. He waves back an does his signature dramatic 'blow a kiss' move, then walks away.

I walk out of my bedroom smiling, not bothering to take my pyjamas off. I walk downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal, a few minutes after my mother walks down the stairs.

"Hey darling." She says in her usual chirpy tone.

"Hi" I say through spoonfuls.

Once done, I rinse my bowl and go to the freezer. I see a tub of ice cream waiting for us. Cookies and cream, perfect.

I walk into our spacious lounge, which consists of two couches, a recliner, a T.V, a coffee table and a huge fluffy grey mat in the middle of everything. I walk to our DVD stack and search through the names, I end up pulling out the ones I want to watch an wait for my mother on the three seater couch.

She arrives eventually, carrying the tub of ice cream and two spoons, which she places on the coffee table in the centre. She scans her eyes over my choices and points to one and I grab it and place it in the player. You can tell we've got our routine down to a fine art.

I grab the ice cream, whilst waiting for the menu to show. I pull open the lid and dig my spoon into the sweet, creamy mixture and pull up a mountain of ice cream onto my spoon. I eat it. My mum grabs her spoon and does the same and I press play. I snuggle next to her and the movie begins.

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