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We walk up to the door. Lucas' arm wrapped around my waist. He knocks and lets his arm slide off me, Mary-Anne opens the door. She smiles.

"Hello Isabel." she says and pulls me into a hug. "Come inside."

I walk in with Lucas and his mother behind me. I stare at the interior of their house and smile. I like it. It's old, but modern and everything looks just right. There are still some boxes left over from unpacking, but overall it is neat and tidy. Mary-Anne walks in front of Lucas and I, and speeds off into what I'm guessing is the kitchen.

"Dinners ready!" she shouts out loud to probably Lucas' dad.

Lucas leads me into the dining room where a reasonably large table is set with four plates. I sit down next to next to Lucas, opposite Mary-Anne. Lucas is across from his dad who hasn't yet arrived.

I hear a footsteps coming from upstairs and a moment later a tall, brown-haired man walks in. The resemblance between Lucas and his father is crazy. They both have the same colour eyes and light brown hair, with their incredible smiles and model-like faces. Lucas' father looked like an older version of Lucas.

I continue to stare.

"I'm guessing your Isabel. I'm Ian, Lucas' father." He introduces himself, and holds out his long, muscular hand.

"Nice to meet you." I reply and fit my tiny fingers in his and shake twice.

Mary-Anne walks into the kitchen and comes back with a delicious looking plate of roast chicken surrounded by vegetables. I smile at the food. She places the plate on the table and Ian begins to cut it, she walks back to the kitchen. She comes back with a jug of liquid and offers me some, I politely accept. Ian passes me some chicken and tells me to help myself to the vegetables. Once my plate is loaded I wait for everyone to begin eating.

The food is delicious! I savour every piece and wash it down with apple juice. I glance over at Lucas to see him smiling, I smile back once I've swallowed my mouthful.

"So Isabel, Where's your mother this evening?" Ian asks.

"Oh, it's her shift at the hospital, she's a doctor so she often has to work through the night." I reply honestly.

"Well anytime you want to come over when your mother is working, feel free." He offers.


I take another scoop of chicken mixed with stuffing and place into my mouth.

"So, How was school today Lucas?" Mary-Anne asks him.

"It was great." He replies.

We continue to make small talk about school and other things and once we've all finished Lucas invites me up to his bedroom. I walk up the stairs behind him and he stops at a door and opens it wide for me to see. I walk in and glance at his light blue walls, then at his light wood furniture and his huge bed with a white duvet. It has some clothes on the floor, like any typical boy room, but other than that it's fairly tidy.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"It's great. Much tidier then your average boys room, but I'm guessing that's because you've only just moved in." I reply , laughing.

He walks over to his curtains and pulls them open revealing my window on the opposite side. I can see my purple walls and some of my quotes stuck against the wall.

"Nice view." I laugh.

"I don't like it. There's this weird girl living there, she kinda scares me." He mocks, laughing.

"Hah hah!" I shout sarcastically.

I hit him.

"She's pretty hot though." He yells under my punches.

I blush of course. Then deliver one last punch in the shoulder.

"Ow! you have anger issues. Maybe you should see a doctor." he accuses, rubbing his shoulder, then he smiles.

I pull my phone out of my pocket to check the time and see that it's nearly ten.

"I better get home." I say reluctantly.

"Ill walk you over." He says then turns towards the door.

We walk down the stairs and I stop in front of the living room door and say thanks to Mr and Mrs Tatem. Lucas leads the way out the door and once we're out he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side.

I open the front door with the key and turn towards Lucas in the doorway.

"Thanks for inviting me Lucas." I say.


"Ill see you tomorrow morning?" I ask, hoping.

"Same time and place." He smiles.

"Goodnight Lucas."

"Goodnight Isabel."

I take one last glance of his face and close the door, then lock it. I head upstairs, get ready and hop under the covers.

As soon as my head hits

the pillow I'm asleep, dreaming of Lucas.

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