The Sunset

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"Are you asking me to watch the sunset with you Isabel?" He asks cockily.

"Don't get any ideas Lucas, it's just this new thing I'm trying called being nice, not really my thing." I reply laughing.

He laughs his hugely sexy laugh and I start to laugh as well.

"Did you like school today?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"It was cool, everybody seems really nice." He replies.

"I'm sorry about English today, I'm just a bit socially awkward, just used to sitting alone." I apologise, shyly.

"I was wondering why you looked so terrified. It was like you saw a monster or something. Then you moved away from me. I thought I smelt bad or something." He laughs his infectious laugh.

I laugh as well, then stop in thought. I stare out, looking across the town, wondering what is beyond the line of horizon I can't see. My thought fritters away when I realise Lucas is sitting right beside me. His arm hairs are brushing against mine. Shivers run up my arm and through the rest of my body. I glance his way to see him gazing at the horizon, deep in thought. He looks peaceful, happy even. I turn to the beautiful picture in front of me, the sun is just setting against the end of the horizon where we can't see no further. The sky is orange with a mix of purple and red, it's perfect.

"Wow." I hear Lucas whisper.

"I know." I say, still amazed after the many times I've seen this perfect sunset.

"Thank you." He says.

I feel his gaze fall on me and I turn to meet his ocean-blue eyes. I glance away, blushing.

"You look cute when you blush." He whispers, chuckling.

I whip my hair in front of my burning cheeks and look in the other direction.

"Isabel" He whispers.

"What?" I fire back, harshly, still embarrassed.

"Look at me"


"Why not?" he asks.

"Because you're laughing at me" I reply, childishly.

"I was just being honest." He replies, no hint of sarcasm in his voice.

I turn to look at him then poke my tongue out and start to climb down from the playground. I start to run away, hearing his voice shout my name. I hide behind a bush, waiting for him. When I see his feet pass my gap in the leaves, I fire myself out of the bushes and scream right in his ear. He jumps in the air and swears at the top of his lungs. I fall on the ground laughing so hard that my stomach starts to hurt.

He stops and turns to me with a look of anger and playfulness. I get up off the ground and stare him right in the eyes.

"Lets go home." I say, still giggling.

He turns and walks away in the completely wrong direction.

"This way nimrod!" I shout and point to the direction of our houses.

He walks past me and grabs my hand, I immediately pull my hand out if his grasp but still walk beside him. We walk silently.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Isabel." I say in a obvious tone.

"No, your full name?"

"Isabel Anne Thomson" I reply. "Whats yours?"

"Lucas William Tatem." He replies.

There's another silence.

"Where's your dad?" He asks.

I look at the ground, then stare straight ahead.

"You don't need to answer that if you don't want too." He whispers, after waiting for me to reply.

"No it's fine." I say, then continue. "He left when I was young, I don't really know him, just the blurry memories. That's why the park makes me smile every time I walk past."

I smile, then look at him. He's quiet probably thinking. I look ahead and see my house. We reach his drive.

"Thank you for taking me to and from school today Isabel." He says smiling politely.

"Your welcome." I reply then turn.

"See you tomorrow, same place?" He asks.

"Sure" I reply, smiling giddily.

Stupid girl.

I know.

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