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My eyes open reluctantly. Slowly they find the light coming from the window. I groan.

The dance.

I crawl of my bed and plant my feet in the floor, then walk towards the bathroom. I pull a brush through my long blonde locks and wash my face with cold water, trying to make myself wake up. I grab my phone and flick through the many excited statuses created by girls who dream of this day. I just pull my face into a frown, and as I exit out of Facebook, I get a message.

Lucas: cheer up babe:) it won't be that bad.

He knows I've been moaning this whole week.

Me: You better not leave my side.

Him: Wouldn't dream of it.

Me: Good.

Him: Gtg. See you soon <3

Me: Bye :)

I put my phone back on my bedside table and trudge down the stairs. As soon as my feet walk through the door of the kitchen, I smell bacon.

"Hey sweetie." My mum says, turning to face me and smiling.

"Hi." I say in a grumble.

Mum frowns.

"Cheer up. Tonight's going to be great." She says.

I moan.

Mum grabs a plate and loads it with bacon, eggs and other numerous breakfast food. My eyes widen and then a smile creeps onto my lips.

"You always know how to chair me up." I state and grab the mountainous pile of food.

She laughs and comes and sits beside me. We eat our foods until there is nothing but the remnants of sauce.

"What are you so worried about, sweetie?" Mum asks.

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that I have to wear heels." I grumble.

"Darling, you don't have to wear heels if your that worried about them." She looks at me.

"Lilly will kill me if I don't." I frown.

"Who cares. You want to have fun, not end up in the hospital." She smiles at me.

I laugh and take our plates to the sink.

"Your hair appointments at 2 o'clock." My mother reminds me.

I slump upstairs and crawl into bed with my laptop.

I spend most of my day browsing the Internet, until I hear mums footsteps coming towards my door.

"Five minutes, love. Get your stuff ready for Lilly's." Mum tells me.

"Ok." I say, nerves seeping into my voice.

I close my laptop and head to my wardrobe. I grab my dress, which is encircled in a plastic covering. I pull out the heels Lilly made me buy, then after careful thought (not), I chuck them back on the pile of shoes and grab my white converse. I collect my phone and head downstairs.

"I'm ready." I say, giving mum an anxious smile.

I don't know why I'm so scared, everything's going to be great.

Mum grabs her keys and we hop in the car. She pulls out of our driveway and drives the five minute journey to the local hair salon. Once inside, the preparation begins.

A fake-blonde lady, with perfectly shaped eyebrows curls my hair into curlers and leaves me sitting for a few minutes. Then another lady with bright red hair shaped in a bob, attacks me with pins, until she is happy with her creation.

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