Pretty on Fleek

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


May 12, 2014 - 11:32pm - LIV Nightclub - Miami, FL

Nicki opened a tube of MAC lipgloss, smeared it on her bottom lip and smacked her lips together

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Nicki opened a tube of MAC lipgloss, smeared it on her bottom lip and smacked her lips together. The music from the main floor could still be heard all the way down into her dressing room. She was excited for her club appearance tonight and not because the promoter called and offered her 250,000 for it. She'd been working hard all last year and leading up until now, dropping singles, features and working on her new album. Tonight was finally a night she could take off and enjoy her success. All work and no play makes a very irritable Nicki.

"Are my bottles here yet?" She questioned, referring to her exclusive line of Myx Moscato.

"Not yet Nicki. But everything is taken care of. They should arrive after the third song." Her assistant Melissa reported swiftly.

Nicki took a deep breath and sighed as she shoved a stick of doublemint gum in her mouth. "Okay." She twirled the bangles on her arm as her glam team fixed her hair and worked on her outfit.

"Your waist is getting a little smaller. I'm gonna have your outfits taken in a little." Leah offered as she surveyed Nicki. Leah was her head stylist. She always made sure Nicki slayed, even when she was combative, sick, or just plain having an off day.

"Really?" Nicki studied herself in her full length mirror. She did a full spin and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Now that's a bad bitch." She pointed to her reflection as she picked up her phone and a snapped a quick selfie.

"Yas bitch yas," Leah clapped. "Yas bitch yas."
She rapped, referring to Nicki's collaboration with Soulja Boy.

Nicki flipped her hair once again and started twerking. "Aye.. aye.. aye!" They all chanted slapping her ass.

"Okay y'all." Melissa stepped in between Nicki and everyone else. "Nicki they're expecting you out on the floor in five minutes. You know what to do?"

Nicki blinked and shrugged her shoulders, answering a text on her phone. She popped her gum and giggled at the screen.

"Girl." Melissa rolled her eyes. "Follow me, we can walk and talk."

Nicki followed closely behind, typing furiously on her iPhone. She peered over the screen of her phone and smirked, watching Melissa's ass as they walked down the hallway to the elevator. Melissa turned to continue the conversation and Nicki's eyes darted up.

"You're gonna walk in to Danny Glover and finish the song. Then the promoter is gonna introduce you the crowd. Perform Lookin Ass, Chi-Raq, and Beez In The Trap."

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