Mile High Club

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


May 13, 2014 - 8:44am - Hotel South Beach - Miami, FL

Beyoncé turned over and rubbed her eyes groggily. She stretched and yawned, barely opening her eyes as she stumbled to the bathroom. She had to piss like a racehorse.

"Ow." She winced, kicking over her phone as she hooked her thumbs in her underwear and hurriedly sat on the toilet. She reached down to pick it up. The brightness stung her eyes and she turned it down immediately. It was 8:46. She had a flight back to New York in a little less than two hours. Her head was pounding unbelievably. She scrolled through her notifications and noticed four unread messages from Kelly.

Kells 😝: I turned around and you were gone. Where r you?

Kells 😝: Hellloooo

Kells 😝: Okayyyyyy I see you bitch 😜

Kells 😝: I'm getting ready to go. Text me when you get innnnnnnn 😌

Beyoncé rolled her eyes and put her phone on the ledge of the sink and slipped her panties off.

"What the.." she said aloud as she inspected the torn fabric. Her fingers grazed the damp material and the memories flooded back in flashbacks.

The club. The alcohol. The weed. Her.

She held her head in her hands and just shook it. What the fuck? she thought. The harder she tried to recall the night the more the details eluded her. They were just chilling and then all of a sudden Nicki's hands were all over her. The pieces in between were foggy. All she could remember was her lips on her ear and curious fingers under her dress.

Beyoncé was startled out of her trance by a loud knocking at the door.

"Come on Bey! We have to be at MIA in less than an hour!"

Beyoncé groaned and stood up to wash her hands and open the door, ushering Kelly inside.

"You're not even dressed?!" Kelly yelled and Beyoncé covered her ears. Her temples pounded in annoyance.

"Could you take it down a few notches? Damn. My head is rocking right now." Beyoncé huffed walking back to the bathroom.

Kelly raised her brows in surprise. She could count on one hand how many times she'd heard her best friend swear. "What got into you?" She smirked. "Or who?"

Beyoncé ignored her as she shed her dress and slipped into the shower, trying to wash away the embarrassment. The hot water felt amazing on her skin.

"So what was VIP like?" Kelly asked sitting on the toilet lid and crossing her legs. "I didn't make the cut I guess."

"I don't remember that much." Beyoncé answered truthfully. "I saw Birdman."

"Ugh." Kelly groaned. "You didn't meet anybody cute?"

Beyoncé shrugged then realized Kelly couldn't see her through the curtain. "Nicki was cute I guess." Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"What y'all was talking about? Saw y'all getting close before y'all went to the back or something. I couldn't see you anymore after that."

Beyoncé coughed and cleared her throat as she washed her body. Kelly was keen on being able to read a situation without having to know the entire story. She prayed she would just let it go before she figured out everything.

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