Beyoncé's Interlude

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


November 17th, 2014 - 5:49pm - Manhattan, NYC


Things got weird after Nicki and I made our 'debut'

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Things got weird after Nicki and I made our 'debut'. Every media outlet in the English language were reporting on our relationship. Though everyone had a differing opinions, the collective consensus was that we "weren't gonna last" and/also this was just a publicity stunt to boost album sales. I was hurt but this was to be expected. I knew that Nicki was a controversial artist and, to them, our relationship was a controversial subject. We had broken the internet. My mother would never speak to me now.

I couldn't travel anywhere alone either. After being pictured leaving my apartment building on several different occasions I had no choice but to be assigned a bodyguard, though I fought tooth and nail against it.

"Bey I don't think you understand how dangerous it could be for you not to have security. I don't mean to toot my fuckin horn but TOOOOT. I'm Nicki fuckin Minaj. My enemies are your enemies now. And I love my fans but some of them are.. overzealous."

I snickered as Nicki scolded me for being swarmed by fans just outside of my building. The attention was off putting but I assumed it would die down quickly.

"I remember. I'm one of them." I smacked my lips. "And stop cursing so much."

"Did you get the pictures I sent you?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes for a third time during our conversation. I knew what this would be leading into, even though I had already given my answer on the topic. "It's a beautiful place but I'm not moving."

Nicki was exasperated. "Why do you insist on fighting with me at every corner? I tried to get you the car you said no. I try to give you an allowance you say no. I'm trying to get you out of Manhattan into some place more safe and quiet-"

"Can't I have one thing in my life that you can't control?" I said the words before I realized how hurtful they might've sounded, but I was ticked.

Between me being a newly signed recording artist and with my face at the forefront of every social media platform, it felt like my life wasn't mine anymore. Everything I did was being watched, documented, and analyzed. Whether it was being done by the public or Nicki's team. I was trying so desperately to cling to the last bit on normalcy I had, and it seemed like Nicki wanted to take that too.

The line was dead silent. "Baby? I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way it's ju-"

"I'll call you later."

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