We Can Work From Home

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


September 1, 2014 - 8:33am - Manhattan, NY


I was usually the last one to get up in the morning but for some reason I was wide awake

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I was usually the last one to get up in the morning but for some reason I was wide awake. I reached over to grab my phone and checked the time. It was just after 8:30.

I looked down at Nicki, all but sleeping right on top of me, and laughed quietly. She was really taking it there with the baby thing. I squeezed her lightly and kissed the top of her head. She would always be my baby. My stubborn, selfish, and violent baby.

I held her for a few more moments, raking my nails softly up and down her back before my stomach rumbled as if to say goodmorning. I groaned. I was so comfortable. I gently wriggled from underneath her and headed the bathroom to go my morning routine before going to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I saw the left over Popeyes wrappers from yesterday and slid them in the trash, wiping the table off and resetting it for two. I chewed my lip when I realized I had broken one of my strictest rules. I never let anyone stay overnight. My apartment was my end-zone, my place of both relaxation and focus. I always made it a point to keep relationship drama away from it, but somehow Nicki had gotten me to break that too.

I opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon, and everything else I would need to make chocolate chip pancakes. The most I ate in the morning was a piece of peanut butter toast or an apple but knew Nicki would be hungry. She barely finished her food last night.

I took out a skillet and got the bacon cooking before mixing my pancake batter. I used my phone to turn Pandora on to get me moving a little faster. I toggled to my thumbprint radio and just let it play. When Loveeeee Song by Rihanna came on I knew Pandora was gonna snap this morning.

Once the griddle was hot I poured a small amount of batter onto the pancake griddle and got ready to belt out of the opening notes.

Oh baby,

I'm not asking for the world

Maybe, you can give me what I want

Baby, come hold me tight and when I'm drowning save me

Give it to me on a daily

If I'm yo girl, say my name boy

Let me know I'm in control

We both grown so how we feel, we can let it show


Won't play around

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