Hey Mama

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


Somebody's alarm clock sounded off like siren, way too early for my liking

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Somebody's alarm clock sounded off like siren, way too early for my liking. I cracked open an eye to gauge what time it was by the sunlight and from what I could tell, it was either or nine but definitely no earlier than ten. It couldn't have been my phone. The alarm continued blaring at full ringer volume and neither Kelly or Nicki flinched. I was so comfortable. If it continued any longer I wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep.

"Ughh." I groaned.

Usually I was the one that woke up on top of someone but sometime during the night both girls had decided to use me as their pillow. Nicki's leg was wrapped around my waist while Kelly's head was on my chest. I was tangled. I lifted my head and looked to my left. Kelly's phone was nowhere in sight. I looked to my right and found the culprit. Nicki's phone was vibrating like crazy on her edge of the bed.

"Baby turn that off." I shook her arm until she looked up at me. "Turn it off, I can't sleep."

Nicki wiped her mouth and sat up, searching for her phone. She climbed out of bed and made a mad dash for the bathroom. I could hear quiet murmurs between her and her record label no doubt. I turned back to snuggle into Kelly but she dodged me, turning her back to me. I pouted for a half second. All my warmth was gone. I pulled the covers up higher and took over Nicki's side of the bed. I was just settling into my sleep when she returned.

"Bey." I ignored her. I wasn't ready to start my day yet. "So you just gone take my spot?" That made me crack a smile. I scoot back a little to allow Nicki to climb back in bed. She pulled my leg over her hip kissed my forehead. "Ten more minutes then it's time to get ready for work."

"Or we could just not go." I suggested.

Nicki gave me light tap on my butt. "See this is exactly why I set up what I have set up."

"What do you have set up?"

"You'll see in about an hour and a half."

I wanted to press on for more details but I was gonna find out soon and truthfully I wanted to relax and absorb the fact I was going BACK into the studio with Nicki. The first time went okay, I guess, but this time there was going be a team of people I didn't know, ready to pick apart and analyze my every vocal--let alone my song writing ability. I didn't realize how anxious I must've looked until I felt soft kisses on my cheek and shoulder.


"Very." I nodded fast.

"Ugh." Nicki grabbed my chin and forcibly turned my head away from her ministrations, which had moved from my shoulder to my neck. "Morning breath."

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