You See Right Through Me Baby

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


August 31, 2014 - 2:57pm - Alexander McQueen Warehouse - NYC, NY

Nicki POV

"Ow! What the--" I had to stop myself

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"Ow! What the--" I had to stop myself.

I really wanted to pop off but I've been doing a little too much of that lately. I asked for Bey to fit me because of her professionalism and she knew her way around my body. In more ways than one I guess.

But this nigga here. He was nervous and clumsy, sticking me on multiple occasions and I could've swore I felt his hand on my ass a second too long. She had definitely chosen him in her place just to torture me. He was a quivering mess.

"I'm sorry. That was the last one I promise." Jamie wiped his sweaty ass palms on his knees and stood. "I've pinned everything in I just need to make the alterations and file the paperwork. Beyoncé will take it from there."

I popped a bubble and nodded. I could feel the burns from the tiny slits in my flesh, courtesy of his shaky hands. The less I said to him the better. After a few moments I realized he was still standing in the doorway.

"Are we done here?" I asked irritably. Cassie giggled and shook her head.

"Oh! Yeah." He jumped. "Have a great day ladies." He waved before closing the door. I curled my lip and made a face after he was gone.

Cassie erupted in giggles. "You look like you wanna kill somebody."

"Two somebodies." I answered under my breath, scrolling through my timeline on Twitter.

"I don't think your little girlfriend likes me." She leaned against the arm rest on a nearby couch, trying to smother a laugh.

"She likes you. She just.." I trailed off, unable to come up with anything. "Yeah she don't like your ass." I laughed a little. "We're not exactly together right now."

"Is that why you were using me to make her jealous?" Cassie crossed her arms and smirked.

"Girl what you takin about?" I laughed, slipping back into my dress.

"You can't play dumb with me Onika." She clicked her tongue. "I could feel the tension in the air. She looked like she wanted to drag us both."

"I wasn't paying attention." I lied.

"Yeah okay, who you think you talking to? You feeling her. I know you."

I fiddled with my watch. "Yeah well she not feelin me. Not this me anyway." If Cassie would pick up on my feelings, why couldn't Bey? I plopped down on the couch and Cassie slid into my lap.

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