It Go Down In The ER

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.

June 27, 2014 - 9:49pm - Lenox Hill Hospital - Manhattan, NY


"Blood pressure is 115/58

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"Blood pressure is 115/58. Blood oxygen level at 95. Your vitals are excellent today Ms. Knowles. You might be able to go home tomorrow."

I said nothing. I haven't said anything to anyone since I woke up. They must all think I have brain damage or something.

She removed the blood pressure cuff from my arm and the mini clamp from my finger. Every six hours she bothered me, whether I was sleeping or showering. I just wanted to be alone. I refused all visitors, but it didn't stop the calls. My room phone rang non-stop since I didn't have a cell phone anymore. And I after talking to Kelly, I stopped answering those too.


"Bey you could've talked to me, you could've called me, you know I would've came running!I can't believe you would just leave me like that with no explanation. You're my sister man. Why would you do something like this?"

I just held the phone and cried silently. I was so embarrassed. I could never say out loud the reason why. Hell I couldn't even say it myself. Love had got ahold of me in the worst way and I hated myself for it. I hated how weak it made me. Only thing left to do now was pick up the pieces. My rollercoaster of a relationship with Nicki had finally screeched to a stop.


"You need to eat though, water isn't gonna cut it. Dr. Brandt may decide to keep you a little longer if your eating habits persist."

I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. I hadn't had an appetite in days. I glanced down at my untouched tray of food. I never ordered anything so they always sent me up a cold turkey sandwich with carrot sticks, chicken noodle soup with crackers, and either apple or orange juice to drink. Since this tray was for dinner, I got cookies as well. The food tasted like cardboard for lack of a better comparison. It was tasteless and nearly colorless, and I hated luncheon turkey anyway.

I popped a carrot stick in my mouth and chewed quickly. I gave the nurse a slight smile before I swallowed.

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "You're gonna be just fine. I know it."

I settled into my chair and flipped through the channels on the TV as she packed up her equipment.

"I'm gonna be taking off tonight but I'll be back first thing at 9am. Nurse Emily will be taking over for you. Just press your call button if you need anything."

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