Ring The Alarm

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


August 31, 2014 - 12:39pm - Alexander McQueen Warehouse - Manhattan, NY


"The dress isn't gonna work without the belt

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"The dress isn't gonna work without the belt. It looks like a sugarplum fairy meets the Grateful Dead."

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair eyeballing the design. The dress had potential, but in my opinion it needed serious alteration. I placed a plastic sheath over the sketch and began to make mock alterations. Suzanne, Gail, Mark (another designer) and myself had been on a conference call about it for nearly an hour and I was losing patience by the minute. Almost none of my input was being taken. I didn't even know why I was present.

The deadline for the fall ready-to-wear collection was on our heels and every detail was being made from a mole-hill into a mountain. I turned the volume down on my headset a little and rubbed my temples. At this rate I was gonna be working through lunch.

I knew not to complain though. Suzanne had me on a tight leash every since I returned to work. My contract allotted me sick time, but the press I got from my little episode is really what she was worried about. It painted the company in a particular light and it hindered my credibility in some ways. But I was on a mission to prove that my designs ran ahead of my actions. My stomach growled and I rustled through my purse for my bag of peanut-butter M&Ms.

"Beyoncé," Suzanne cleared her throat. "It's a little last minute but I need you to fit Nicki for her Billboard shoot. She asked for you specifically."

I let go of the bag instantly and the candy spilled all over the floor. What? I hadn't spoken to Nicki in over a month.


As soon as I touched down and turned my phone on I had 27 missed calls and 9 unread texts from Nicki. I scrolled through them, each one becoming increasingly more frantic. My lip trembled in despair. I missed her so much already but I know leaving was the best thing for me. My phone started ringing again and I took a deep breath before answering.


"Bey? Where the fuck are you!?" Nicki bawled. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I got up to pee and you weren't here. Please tell me you didn't leave."

I tucked my hair behind my ears nervously and took another deep breath. Nicki's tears always caught me off guard, she was so closed off from emotion I knew my leaving had to hurt to the core. I prayed she would be able to understand.

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