You Can Be A Sweet Dream..

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


June 29, 2014 - 2:31am - The Ritz Carlton, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA


I was so bored in between texts from Nicki

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I was so bored in between texts from Nicki. I knew she was working but I still wanted all her attention. Waiting twenty minutes between replies got old real fast. She was most likely trying to get me to fall asleep but I was wide awake. I always stayed up the first night in an unfamiliar place.

I opened my phone app and typed in Kelly's number, then deleted it. I'd been wanting to call her since I got up to the room but I was afraid of what she would have to say to me. I know she was angry at me for leaving and rightfully so but she had put me in such a crazy position. I wasn't choosing Nicki over her I was following my heart. Something I almost never do.

I typed in her number once more and hit the call icon. If there was an argument so be it. I needed my best friend. After a few rings she answered.

"Hello?" She mumbled groggily. I had forgotten about the time difference.

"Hey Kel, it's Bey I--" I heard the sound of the call ending.

"What?" I said out loud dialing her number again. She forwarded me to voicemail and I snapped.

Kells 😝: I was calling to apologize and make amends but I just realized I don't need to apologize for anything. Kelly you started the fight and Nicki finished it. She makes me happy. Why can't you just be happy that I am?

I saw that she read my message but I didn't see the grey bubble pop up indicating a response. It hurt bad. I couldn't believe she would act like this, we've been like sisters for as long as I could remember. My eyes burned with the promise of tears and wiped them away furiously. I was tired of crying.

I went to Nicki's thread and pressed the icon to FaceTime her. It was a long shot but what else did I have to do. After a few rings it connected.

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