Late Night Special

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


September 5, 2014 - 2:04am - The St. Regis Houston - Houston, Texas


My throat was on fire

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My throat was on fire. I tried to swallow to get some moisture going but my mouth was as dry as a day old KFC biscuit. Ugh. I lifted my head and checked the time on the alarm clock near my head. 2:05. I yawned and it burned my throat even more. I needed water and lots of it.

I propped myself up on my elbows and tried to swing my legs over the edge but it hurt too much. Everything hurt. My hips, my ass, my pussy and God my back. It felt like Nicki was tearing into my flesh, but I was entirely too exhausted to worm away from her. My scream was one of defeat. She had successfully depleted all of my reservoirs.

I licked my lips and slowly sat up, whimpering the whole while. I needed medicine or an ice bath. Preferably both. I hunched over on my knees to get my bearings before hobbling to the bathroom. I leaned over the sink and turned on the faucet, cupping my hand under the stream and drinking as much as I could stomach.

I turned the water off and stood up, wiping my mouth with my hand. I could see the angry red welts on my back from both the full length mirror behind me and the one mounted above the sink. My eyes were bloodshot but I couldn't tell if it was from the chlorine or my tears. I sighed and turned on the shower.

I had to dial the temperature down because the water felt like flames on my back. I forgot my body wash in my suitcase so I used the hotel soap to scrub down as best as I could, taking extra care with my wounds. I was gonna kill Nicki. She had ran me through a wringer.

I wrapped a body towel around me after I got out and walked back into the room. It was dark but the light from the city underneath us poured in through the curtains.

I frowned at Nicki sleeping peacefully in bed. Why the hell does she get to sleep while I'm up hurting? I wanted to walk up to her and slap her awake but that'd be petty as hell and I knew she'd only get me worse. Ugh.

I really needed some Tylenol but I had none with me and I couldn't use Nicki's rental to get to the store. Maybe I should've renewed my license. I walked over to my suitcase to find a change of clothes.

I sat down on the floor and unzipped it, digging around until I found a slip and pulled it over my head. I spotted Nicki's purse nearby and got curious. I was still a stan at the end of the day and who wouldn't want to know what she kept in her purse? When I looked earlier I was just looking for change, now I had time to actually inspect.

I turned the purse upside down and shook it out. Her phone bounced out and I was thankful she had a case. First thing I noticed was all the loose cash. There were hundreds crumpled at the bottom like there had been there for years. I chuckled to myself and set them aside. It was disappointing to find nothing out of the ordinary. All she had was her wallet, tampons, hand lotion and gum.

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