Baby You're Just Like Poison

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


June 29, 2014 - 10:58pm - SK Entertainment Center - Los Angeles, CA


"I'll see you later

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"I'll see you later." I said to Leah before taking off.

"Bey wait!"

I was so mad, I didn't know what my next move would've been had I stayed. I knew something was going on between them. I could tell by the way he looked at her during her performance. Then the fact he sat up and laughed with me in my face knowing what they did together. I'd never felt more disrespected in my life.

I heard Nicki struggling to keep up behind me but I wasn't studying her right now. I had to figure out a way not to act a fool in front of all these people.

She slipped her hand over my and held it. "Baby please let me explain." She pleaded.

My first instinct was to tell her to go to hell. But I held back. Largely most of our crossed wires came from miscommunication. And I had just lectured Nicki about not hearing me out earlier. "Sure, why not?" I mumbled, even though I didn't give a damn what she had to say.

Nicki blinked. "Really?"

I didn't respond I just kept walking.

"Can I get a picture of the two love birds?" A reporter asked holding up his camera.

"Now isn't a good time.." Nicki began.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and smiled. She looked over at me before hesitantly doing the same. We took a few nice ones then a few silly ones.

"Great. Thank girls." He looked down at the LED screen before walking away.

I dropped my arm from her shoulder and started walking off again. Take deep breaths I chanted to myself.

Nicki caught up to me quickly. "Bey, listen to me!"

"Lower your voice." I growled. "You are not gonna embarrass me in front of all these people."

I had learned from the best how to keep my composure in an undesirable situation and I was gonna do just that. I wasn't gonna act up on a platform like this, that's why she wanted me to do.

"I'm so sorry baby. I was just hurt bec--"

"Not here Nicki! There's cameras crawling all over the place." I covered my face and sighed. "Just take me home."

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