Playtime Is Over

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


November 1st, 2014 - 10:55pm - Manhattan, NY


The spa treatments went over well

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The spa treatments went over well. Kelly had an entire three gallon bag filled with mud masks, exfoliating scrubs, deep conditioners, lip balms, cleansing creams, and various bath salts. I half listened as she recalled how she made friends with a few people in makeup and voilá! Neutrogena samples for weeks.

The bathroom was too small for the three of us to squeeze into so Bey suggested we set up on the at the dining table. I quietly helped lay down bath towels to cover the smoky glass as Kelly evenly distributed everything in her goodie bag.

I accepted the lip balm because it was made with organic materials but I wasn't about to put anything unapproved on my face. I had my own skincare routine that I followed rigorously with products you couldn't even buy over the counter. Kelly didn't seem too bothered by this. She didn't even plan for me in the first place.

"My face feels tight." Bey flexed her jaw in front of her standing mirror.

Kelly cracked up. "You put it on too thin. It has to be thicker so you can peel it off."

"Help." She whined.

I'd never quite hung out with the two of them together even though Kelly had sort of always been around. They acted like girls. Huddled together, giggling incessantly.

So gay.

"Baby, why you so quiet?"

Bey leaned into me and put her hand on my thigh under the table. I looked up from my phone briefly to meet to her honey brown eyes.

"Bored." I smacked my lips.

This was the type of stuff I did daily. Prepping for award shows, interviews, performances, and public appearances. There was no excitement in this. It reminded me of work.

She squeezed my thigh. "You wanna do something else?"

My eyes flickered to Kelly. She was pretending to be enthralled in applying her fourth coat of lipgloss. She was listening hard even though Beyoncé's voice was low. I couldn't resist the urge to be petty.

"I do. But there are children present."

"Not that!" She pulled her hand back and hit my shoulder.

I laughed and got up for more cookies. They were so good I couldn't even lie. I had to tell her they were some of the best I'd ever eaten. She offered a dry thanks and we went back to tip toeing around each other. When I got back to the table a text from Cassie was waiting for me.

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