Save Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


June 15, 2014 - 2:18am - The Cutting Room - NYC, NY

Nicki POV

Something kept tickling my nose and I turned my head slightly to get away from it but it kept coming back. I reached out to swat it away and opened my eyes. It was a curl of Bey's hair. I smoothed it down and closed my eyes back. "Wait what the fuck?" I said to myself sitting up a little and looking around. I reached in my pocket for my phone but I had left it on the sound board across the room. I pulled my dead arm from under Bey to check my watch. 2:21am. We had been asleep for nearly five hours. "Shit." I swore. I was gonna have to pay for the unused studio time too.

"Wake up cupcake." I gently shook her, wiping my face and attempting to free myself from her grasp. Her lip twitched a little but she didn't move. I shook her shoulder a little harder. "Come on, we have to get up now."

"Mmmm." she mumbled. "Five more minutes, I'm tired."

"You got $500 for five more minutes?" She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Yeah, that's what I thought." I sat up and swung her legs off of me, stretching. I can't believe Kenyon let me sleep this late.

"What time is it?" Bey asked rubbing her eyes, covering her exposed waist with my jacket.

"2:22. Time for us to get the fuck on." I got up and dove for my phone, calling Kenyon. I could tell by the way he answered his ass fell asleep too. "Yo what the fuck man, you can't be sleeping on the clock. Anybody could've ran up in here on my ass." I snapped. "I'm depending on you to look out for number one."

I heard Kenyon draw in a breath on the other end of the line. "First of all, I knocked on the door about four times and there was no answer so I figured you didn't want to be disturbed. And second, I've been waiting out here for hours with nothing to do. I'm sorry I dozed off for a second waiting on you and your groupie to finish cutting the sex chronicles in the booth."

In seconds I was through the roof. I hated when people tried to turn the tables after they were clearly in the wrong. "Yo who the fuck you think you talking to?" I barked. "You been getting real slick at the mouth wif me lately like you need to really check yoself cause you bumping yo gums about shit you think you know and you look bout dumb as hell. I want a car outside in ten minutes. Fall asleep on that and see what happens."

I pressed end on the call and slammed my fist down on the edge of the control pad. I'd pay for the damage later. There was a slight riff between me and my team lately and I know it was because of the ever approaching deadline of my album. Everyone was on edge, including myself. This album meant everything to me. It was a chance for me to tell my story and to solidify myself as a rap mogul, and if I had to piss everyone off to make my statement so be it. I whipped around to find Bey already back asleep on the armrest.

"Come on baby, wake up." I urged, picking her pants up from the floor and squatting down to slide them up her legs. "A car is gonna be here for us soon."

Bey sighed and stood up, allowing me slide the fabric over her hips and zip it up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid on my shoulder. "I know baby." I rubbed her back and trailed my hands down further, squeezing her ass and playfully slapping it. "You got something decent back here." I felt her smile into my neck.

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