10 Times Outta 9 I'm Only Human

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


June 24, 2014 - 4:11am - Manhattan, NY

Shawn POV

I got all the way home and realized I forgot my wallet

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I got all the way home and realized I forgot my wallet. I would've left the shit there and just picked it up later on in the day but I had no cash on me and no other form of identification.
Thank God I thought to check before I pumped my gas.

I wanted to give Bey some space anyway. She been acting mad shady the past couple of weeks and all her strange behavior came to a head when Nicki popped up at her doorstep. I felt like something was going on between them but I didn't peg Bey for the type. Guess you learn something new everyday.

I thought things were finally gonna get somewhere with us when she called me over for dinner and opened the door with just my jersey on. The shit went left quick as fuck. As soon as I pulled her panties off she crossed her legs and suggested we stop. At first I thought she was playing but one look at her face told me she was dead ass serious. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't pissed. Bey and I have been seeing each other for about two years and some change and though I respected her choice to move slowly, I was still a man.

Seeing her looking all good every day only pushed me harder to make her fall for me completely. I didn't expect this wrench to be thrown in.

I got out of my truck and locked the doors, opening the door to her building. I pulled out my phone to call her so she could have it ready for me when I got to the door. It rang once and went straight to voicemail. I shook my head and tried to call once more as I stepped inside the elevator, riding up to her floor.

I knocked twice and waited a couple of minutes for an answer but no one came. I knocked again, louder. Bey was a light sleeper so I know she heard me. And I knew she was home because she wasn't the type to be out late. I knocked one final time before pulling out my keys and opening the door.

I felt a weird vibe as soon as I stepped inside. The air was tense and it unsettled me. My wallet was on the kitchen counter. I slipped it in my pocket and looked around.

"Bey?" I called out, heading to her room. As soon as I turned the corner down the hallway I was floored by what I saw. All of her designs, sketches and samples were scattered about on the floor. Her phone lay shattered nearby.

Bey was sprawled out in the hallway awkwardly, her hair covered her face and I couldn't tell if she was breathing. I rushed up to her and shook her arm. "Bey! You okay?" When she didn't respond my heart dropped. It didn't look like anybody broke in but I kept my eyes peeled in case the motherfucker was still inside. I turned her over slowly and held her. I could see the tear stains on her cheeks.

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