Risky Business

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


May 13, 2014 - 1:35pm - JFK International Airport - NYC, NY

Beyoncé POV

After Nicki left a few men grabbed our bags and instructed us to take another car, keeping us at least ten minutes apart. Nobody said anything to me but I could tell they were all talking about me. I lied earlier when I said I hadn't been more embarrassed in my life. I slid into the car with Kelly on my bumper, not even letting the car door shut before she pummeled me with questions.

"What was y'all doing?" She smirked.

I just put my seatbelt on and hugged my knees. Everything seemed like too much to deal with. My headache still hadn't went away. I knew Kelly was about to make it much worse.

"Bitch. Hello. I'm talking to you." Kelly smacked her lips.

I groaned. "Kelly please."

"Kelly please my ass. Stop holding out."

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. I could tell I was about to cry. None of my actions made sense anymore. I never had a problem with impulse control until I met Nicki. She made it impossible to say no to her.

Kelly must've saw my shoulders shake because she softened up. "Bey.. What happened?"

I wiped the corners of my eyes. "Can you roll up the partition please?" I looked up at the driver and he did so without a word. I wasn't gonna spill my guts to him as well.

"Why are you crying?" Kelly rubbed my arm.

"I don't even know." I sniffled. "A bunch of reasons." I fished in my purse for a tissue. "The first of which I don't even know what I'm gonna tell Shawn."

"Aww not that nigga again." Kelly shook her head. "When y'all start messing around?"

"A couple weeks ago." I wiped my eyes first then blew my nose.

Shawn was this nice guy my dad introduced me to two years ago. At first he was kinda corny and I couldn't really get into him like that but the second time around I started to connect with him more. My dad was breaking into the music industry and Jay was stepping down from Def Jam and beginning to start his own label. People said we looked good together.

"I don't even know what I'm feeling." I cried.

"Beyoncé what happened?" Kelly asked for what seemed like the millionth time.

"You haven't figured it out?" I snapped. "Or is you really gonna make me sit here and detail the fact I had sex."

"Okay that's your last time today talking to me like you crazy." Kelly held her finger up. "Slow ya roll. The only reason I'm asking so much is cause you being mad shady. I always tell you everything. I mean look where we are. We're in a private car NICKI MINAJ sent for us and you being all secretive about the single greatest thing that's ever happened to us."

"I don't feel great." I whined.

"Girl shut up right now." Kelly slapped my hands away and wiped my nose. "So she touched your pussy a lil bit. You need somebody to dust the cobwebs off that mf."

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