World Stop

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


December 14th, 2014 - 7:56pm - Hotel South Beach - Miami, Florida


"I like the suit but maybe not for the occasion

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"I like the suit but maybe not for the occasion. Isn't it a party?" I asked, pulling the skirt down a little lower.

A few snickers broke out and the smile on my face dropped. I couldn't wait until I was in the know. Anytime I opened my mouth lately I was almost always the butt of someone's joke.

"The release party isn't really a party. It's like a formal." Nicki informed me. "Think of an office Christmas party. You can get a little loose but you can still lose your job." She bust out laughing near the end of her sentence.

"The real party happens after hours." Leah clapped. "And this time I can hang."

Nicki curled her lip before turning back to me. "You're making an appearance. You can always change when we get back home."

I let her mention of 'home' mull over in my mind a minute. Nicki had recently rented a house in the suburbs and brought me to see it a few days ago. It was a gorgeous place-with five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a pool, den, and two separate living rooms. I know because we had sex in nearly every square inch after Nicki signed the deed.

She thought she was being slick with her presentation of it, asking me if I had ideas for decorations, but I knew she was hoping I moved in. The thought of being the slightest bit dependent on anyone upset my stomach, but after the talk we had at my place I was seriously considering it.

Nicki, too, had popped up at my apartment unexpectedly but she wasn't my surprise visitor. It was Solange, home on thanksgiving break. She had missed Houston entirely and ended up on my doorstep-at 5am on a Tuesday morning. I had half a mind to turn her around but stopped when I realized that I would be spending the holidays alone as well. A first for me.

Nicki made her appearance two days later after little to no communication in between time. In stead of being pissy about it I let it go. Another first. I was so happy to see her, so happy to be physically in her presence that it was me who couldn't keep my hands to myself. I had my hands poised to pull off my nightshirt when Nicki stopped me.

"Can we talk first?"

I had about thirteen different internal reactions before my body settled on dropping my jaw to the floor. I had never known Nicki to put off sex. In fact, I almost immediately assumed something was wrong.

"No.." She shook her head slowly. "Not really. I just wanna talk to you about something."

I awkwardly re-hooked my bra. "Uh. Okay."

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