It's My Bey-Day..

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


September 4, 2014 - 1:06am - Knowles Estate - Houston, Texas



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"Nicki.. Mmmmm.."

I bit my lip to mask my moan and sucked in a huge breath, or tried to anyway. I'd almost forgotten how how it got in Houston during the summer. Even with the AC on the house it still felt like I was breathing through a paper bag. And phone fucking with Nicki wasn't helping at all.

"I can't hear you baby." She purred in my ear. "Speak up."

"My parents room is literally across the hall." I panted.

Hearing that out loud was insane. If you had told me at the beginning of this year that I'd be back in my old room all but throwing my pussy at Nicki while my parents were home I would've slapped the shit out of you. My mother had instilled a fear in me like no other. I never even bothered sneaking out, or was bold enough to sneak anyone in. But once again Nicki had brought out every lick of deviancy I had to offer.

"I don't give a fuck." Nicki growled indignantly. "Beg me for it."

That alone almost sent me over the edge. My back arched of it's own accord and my thighs clamped shut over my hand. I wiped my forehead and bit down on my knuckle to stifle my moans, which were growing louder by the second. My body was blanketed in a thin sheen of sweat. I didn't know if it was from the humidity or the fact this would be my third orgasm. What I was sure of was my habit was back. And if I didn't get my fix I was gonna spin out for sure.

"Baby I'm gonna cum.." I groaned, shutting my eyes tight.

"You gonna cum for me cupcake?" She purred.

I rubbed my clit faster. I was so wet I could hear the sound of my juices splashing against my fingers even from under the sheets. "Yes.. Yesss."

"Fuck I wish I was there. I can't wait to get back to New York I'm fucking your sexy ass straight into your mattress."

"Ohhhhh." My thighs shook and I cried out lowly. My orgasm was at hand. "I l-love you so much!"

"I love you too baby." Nicki whispered and I let go.

My hips rocked with the rhythm of my strokes and I nearly burst into flames trying not to scream. No amount of dirty talk would ever amount to hearing her tell me she loved me. I could listen to her say it all day. It surprised me every time.

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