Good Girl Gone Bad

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.

A/N: This chapter may contain explicit language and/or graphic depictions of sex, and are intended for audiences 18 years of age and older. Reader discretion is advised.

June 14, 2014 - 10:14am - Manhattan, NY


I rolled over and heard a loud thump

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I rolled over and heard a loud thump. I sighed and laid still for a few more seconds before I leaned over the side to see what it was. I looked down to see my phone halfway under the bed, wiping my eyes before picking it up. When the screen didn't automatically light up I realized it was dead. Fuck. I felt around for my charger on my nightstand and plugged it in.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, the sunlight trickling in through the blinds. I was still so tired. After a few more minutes I got up and crawled out of bed. My feet dragged clumsily to the bathroom, my legs were still weak from last night.

I peeled off my panties and threw them in the trash before I sat down to pee. They were ruined now. I shook my head to try to clear the fog as I wiped and stood up to wash my hands. I could see a long trail of slob from the corner of my mouth down the side of my face.

"Ugh." I made a face and grabbed my towel, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I knew my phone had turned on because I could hear the dings from all my notifications coming in at once. I was late for work but I didn't care. I really just wanted to not show up all together and just sleep all day.

I slipped into the shower and just stood under the stream letting the hot water pour over me. I loved hot showers. If it wasn't piping hot I didn't feel clean. Kelly always teased me about it. I washed myself all over three times before getting out. I wrapped a towel around myself before heading to my room to check my phone. I had 9 notifications.

Two from Shawn.

Three from Kells 😝.

Three from Boss.

One from 🙄❤️.

I opened Nicki's curiously.

🙄❤️: Goodmorning cupcake 💓 I hope u slept well. Your phone died I didn't hang up I promise lol. U sleep so cute 😩 Anyway I hope u have a good day at work. I'll have a surprise for u when u get home. Can't wait to see u again. Text me when u get this 😘

"Awww." I cooed, smiling hard as fuck. The text caught me off guard. I half expected to be ignored again for another few weeks. I quickly responded.

PrettyEyes😍: Morning 😊 I'm up 💓

I threw my phone down on the bed and dug through my closet for an outfit. I didn't bother opening Suzanne's text. What was the point? She was just gonna chew me out again once I got to work. In a few minutes I heard my text tone go off.

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