Girl I Gotta Watch My Back

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


June 15, 2014 - 11:47am - Alexander McQueen Warehouse - NYC, NY

Nicki POV

"Yo girl?" I spat

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"Yo girl?" I spat.

Next thing I knew Bey fell out. Her eyes rolled back and her knees buckled under her weight, luckily Shawn caught her cause my reaction time was shit. What the fuck?

"Bey!" He yelled. "What's wrong are you okay?"

I saw a flash through one of the windows nearby and I covered my face and sighed. This shit was gonna be all over TMZ in like five minutes.

"Can we move this party to some place more private?" I demanded, nodding my head in the general direction of the couches by the bathrooms. Shawn scooped Bey up under her knees and carried her to the couch. I was watching that nigga the whole time, waiting on a hand to slip. I was gonna be on his ass like white on rice.

I went to the bathroom and wet a paper towel with some cool water. When I came back Shawn was hovering over her, shaking her. Dumb ass nigga.

"Excuse me." I snapped, all but elbowing him out of my way as I pulled Bey's head onto my lap. I pressed the towel to her forehead, elevating her head. "You can't just be shaking her, she has to wake up on her own."

"I'm gonna call an ambulance." He pulled out his phone and I panicked. I couldn't go to the hospital with her, the press was hot on my trail these days, and I was not about to leave in the hands of this corny ass nigga. I closed my eyes and silently prayed for her to wake up soon and for nothing to be seriously wrong.

A second later she moved in my lap. Thank you I mouthed, looking up.

"Uhh." She groaned, looking up at me. "Baby?"

Before I could open my mouth to respond this nigga gon butt in quick as hell.

"Yeah?" He crouched down next to her.

Bey took one look at him and jumped hard as fuck. "Shawn!" She yelled, trying to get up. "What are you doing here?"

I held her shoulders and laid her back down. "You have to stay laying down for a few more minutes Pretty Eyes."

Shawn gave a sideways look at the mention of her nickname. "You haven't been answering any of my calls. It's not like you. I was worried so I called to see if you made it work and they said you had so I came up here to surprise for lunch."

"Already covered playboy." I said under my breath.

He looked up at me. "You got a problem with me or something?"

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