Three Is Definitely A Crowd

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


September 4, 2014 - 11:49am - Knowles Estate - Houston, Texas



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"Oh.. Fuck yes.." I whispered lowly grinding my hips in Nicki's hand. I gripped the edge of the dresser before giving up she leaning over altogether and pushing my ass back against her.

"That's right baby. Just like that." She curled her fingers inside me and wrapped my hair around her hand before closing it in a fist and yanking my head back. The image was crystal clear in my vanity mirror.

"Oh my God!" I gasped, panting loudly.

"I missed my pussy so much." She giggled before licking the shell of my ear. "I love how nasty you are."

"T-That's you.." It was so hard to catch my breath. I propped myself up by my elbows and stood on my tippy toes. "God don't stop." I moaned.

Nicki sped up the pace of her strokes and lost it. "Shit!" I jumped and gritted my teeth. My perfume bottles rattled and my makeup pencils tumbled to the floor, making hollow clinks against the hardwood. "Daddy please.." I moaned out.

I knew perfectly well where we were and how loud I was getting but I couldn't help it. Nicki was breeding a darker side of me. The two wrestled for control of me anytime she was around and lately the bad one was winning. Her desires and mine were beginning to become one.

My eyes were shut tight but a sharp smack to my left ass cheek popped them back open. "Ahhh!" I squealed, accidentally bumping into the dresser and knocking my bible off the far edge.

"I don't think they teach that in Sunday school cupcake." She laughed. It was cut short by heavy footsteps in the hallway leading up to my door.

Nicki pulled out quick and I whined at the sudden feeling of loss. The knob turned and I yanked my sweatpants up and covered my face.

"Y'all ready yet?" Solange popped in.

"Uh uh." I shook my head, not moving my hands.

"So you gon rush me but you ain't ready yaself? Man I tell you." She smacked her lips. "What y'all been doing in here this whole time?"

It took all of a second for the pieces to fall into place.

"Oh hell naw. I ain't never been that bold, Bey you trippin!"

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