Yo Bey.. They Ready

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


September 5, 2014 - 7:35am - The St. Regis Houston - Houston, Texas


I slammed a pillow over my face to drown out the sound of Nicki arguing on the phone

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I slammed a pillow over my face to drown out the sound of Nicki arguing on the phone. She'd been up since six arranging studio time, getting in contact with writers, and butting heads with Melissa who didn't seem to like the idea of us collaborating. I could only hear bits and pieces of what they were saying but I did manage to make out the words come up and use. This sent Nicki into a frenzy. The exact one I was trying to block out right now. It was too early for this nonsense.

"This was my idea, not hers. She doesn't even wanna do it. I had to beg her!"

I sat up groggily, deciding to give up on sleep altogether. There was no sleeping in with Nicki. Either you went to bed at a decent time or you suffered the consequence. I kicked the covers back and nearly fell trying to get out of bed. Nicki and I had sort of went at it once more before finally going to bed. I put my hand against the wall to steady myself as I made it to the bathroom. She was still going all the while.

"You haven't even heard what we put together yet, you don't know how it's gonna turn out!"

I grabbed my toothbrush from my travel bag and put a little bit of toothpaste on it, wet it, and did it again before brushing. I leaned out the doorway to get Nicki's attention.

"Mm mm!" I waved my hand and shook my head.

I didn't want to do it and Melissa didn't want me to do it. There was no reason to argue or get anyone upset, I'd rather just bow out. I knew in so many words Melissa wanted to say I was after Nicki's money and/or notability.

It should've bothered me, but it didn't. See I was old money. The estate we owned in Houston sat on top of an oil field way back when. My family was payed, and my future kids were paid. I didn't need Nicki's money.

She looked over at me and I waved my hand under my neck to mean cut it. I leaned back inside and hunched over the sink to spit and rinse, then floss. Nicki was still on the phone when I came out. I snuck up behind her and started kissing her neck.

She shrugged me off. "Not now baby." She mumbled irritably.

I threw my head back. "Ughhhhh. Let me see that phone." I held out my hand.

Nicki covered the receiver. "Uh, no? Go sit yo ass down. Order some breakfast before we leave. Thank you baby."

She turned back to her conversation and I took a step toward the bed to comply with her orders before whipping around and snatching the phone outta her hand from behind.

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