Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

Summertime. The time most teenagers spent partying and pushing the limits of their parents as far as they could. People my age basically enjoyed anything life could offer. For me it was just a remarkable opportunity to escape from the daily grind and to just live as an ordinary girl, away from all the responsibility and my exceptional life. 

If there was anything my heart desired more than anything it was to be, even if it was only for one night, anonymous. I just wanted to be Camila Cabello, a regular girl who could make mistakes and then have to be accountable for them. I did not want any special treatment or to be surrounded by fake people.

Just for one night, I wanted to be myself with all the good and bad that came along with it. 

When I was on stage, the screams and cheers from the fans were enchanting, but could also be in excess lot. Therefore, I decided that I wanted to return to high school. Now that it was only a week to I couldn't help but wish that I'd never come across that idea, that I'd never allowed it to take root and sprout inside my head, because now it seemed like an impossible mission.

The plan was to blend in with the crowd and to pretend to be one of them, when in fact I was the quite opposite. I was an emerging pop star, predicted to take the future of crazy fans by storm and to make millions of dollars. My view was, however, to pursue the dream I'd always wanted and to encourage other people with meaningful lyrics and an understanding of their everyday struggles.

In fact I just wanted to play my own music. Sadly the management and my manager had controlled more of my life than I ever thought would be possible. From the way that I dressed to who the outside world thought I was romantically involved with. It would be an understatement to say that they only dictated parts of my life.

I looked forward to the break I'd have at school though, not being forced to have them around, following every step I take. Tonight would be the first night in an eternity I would make time for myself.

I walked the streets of Orlando. This was one of the few places I could feel safe from being attacked by overly enthusiastic fans. Even though it was chilly outside I wore a pink skirt and a white crop top and to top it all of one of my standard bows.

In a sudden I heard the sweet music from a karaoke stage and I could spot people who clapped and danced to the genuine voice that sounded in the background. That's how I loved it, people who just appreciated the pure beauty of music.

I joined the crowd on the dance floor and let the music take over every part of my body. It was humid and unpleasantly warm because of all the people who were pressed together, but I loved the feeling. 

No one recognized me or fussed about who I was. Everyone just lived in the moment. 

I swung my hips in pace with the rhythm, having the time of my life when someone took a firm grasp on my waist. I turned around to see a stunningly hispanic girl smiling wide at me. She wore a black beanie and a denim high-waist short with a green shirt that matched her eyes. 

In that moment I couldn't really decide whether her eyes were green or blue, but either way they were spectacular. She kept her hands on my hips as I only turned my back to her and followed her lead. It turned into a pretty heated session where we were grinding and dancing as the moments passed.

This was so unlike me, I had coordination like a four year old and I was most likely awkward. It had been so bad that my manager had hired an instructor for me to teach me how to move on stage. The fact that I was dancing with someone was an interesting twist from my usual self, nevertheless that my dance partner was a girl.

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