Chapter 3

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~You didn’t ask for this~

Lauren’s POV

All my life I’d been haunted by uncertainty and concern for my life. I’d learned how to sleep with one eye open and to always be aware of any danger or threat that could ensure a brutal and hasty end to my life.

I didn’t ask for this, but that’s what I get when my dad is the one and only Michael Jauregui. 

No wonder my mum walked out on us when she had the chance. She brought with her my sister and brother, but abandoned me. That’s only a proof on how I was never good enough for her. She could have saved us all, but she left me to rotten in this place.

Now I was a gang member, already doomed to fail in the community. Worse, I was the rightful heir of the throne that has passed through my family for generations. I’d always known this, but it’s never been pertinent. As my mother’s words still echoed in my head: take one day at a time Lauren, never give up. I scoffed at the hypocritical words.

She gave up on me and my dad and she never thought I was worth the stay. I was determined to prove her wrong. My plan was to get away from this hell hole, discover the world. I will not be chained to the Jauregui legacy.

Tomorrow would be the beginning. The first day of school and I was actually quite excited. It would be a great year with Ally by my side. She was the only one of my friends who was in the gang, but in regard of that did not account for all the horror we were forced to carry out. 

I also heard that the superstar, Camila Cabello, was going to attend this year. Rumors were that she was hot, but I’d never go out with such a spoiled princess. She would be a good distraction though. I smiled as the idea crossed my mind, even though I wouldn’t have time for those festivities.

«Get out and meet me in the garage!» My dad yelled into the house breaking the comfortable silence.

I went down the stairs and into the room where my father had the habit of spending the majority of his time. For as long as I could remember that was how it was, my dad was dealing with his business and my duty was taking care of the house.

I had my earplugs in, enjoying the dark and twisted mind of Lana Del Rey as I went up to his desk.

«Hey dad, what did you wa-» Completely unprepared I felt a fist make contact with my cheek, my teeth tore up the flesh on the inside and the warm blood flowed.

I turned around furiously seeing Alejandro stand there, cracking his knuckles with a vicious smile. I was about to reciprocate the blow when my dad’s voice stopped me and I froze obedient in place.

«I’ve cancer.» He informed coldly without a single facial movement. My dad was concentrating more about the paperwork than the state of shock I was in.

«W-what?» I felt numbed, but that was fast replaced with utter rage. I took a looming step forward seeing my dad curl his eyebrow.

«What are you going to do about it?» He asked calmly, mocking my attempt on getting a reaction. «I suggest you sit down and hear my proposal.» He collected his papers, not even the slightest bothered to meet my gaze.

«I’m not listening to shit from you.» I slammed my fists down on his desk causing him to finally elevate his eyes to meet mine. His eyes were red, burning with the anger that filled us both. 

«You pretend to be so tough, but you’re still the same little girl you’ve always been. You can’t fight, therefor you’re not allowed to demand anything!» He barked.

«I can’t fight huh?» I let out chuckling, letting him see how ridiculous his statement was. To heighten my point I turned abruptly and hit Alejandro with all the strength I managed.

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