Chapter 7

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~It’s your messed up family tree~

Lauren’s POV

I woke up on my stomach, letting out a loud groan. The annoying alarm clock was constantly ringing until I smacked if off. I sat myself up yawning while the memories from the previous night washed over me. I was confused about the exact details, but I was pretty sure that at some point I’d screwed my own promises and decided to let Camila into my life. 

It was wrong, but it felt so right that I couldn’t come up with a single reason to why I should take it back. I jumped off the bed pulling on my ordinary clothes and a black beanie. I trotted around the house, seeing the clutter that had accumulated. Ever since my dad had gotten sick my duties had expanded from the house to gang related meetings, but to the most important thing. Keeping my dad alive. 

Talking about my dad, he entered the room and threw himself down on the couch completely fatigued. He rubbed the thin layer of hair on his head before looking at me, «Lauren, you’ve to seal the deal with the Jacksons today.» Only the name made me tremble. The Jacksons have been our bitterest enemies. They were known as cheaters and never minded winning a fight with dastardly methods. The one I hated the most was their leader, Kylie. She was pure evil and everyone was incapable of anticipating her next move, even her own members.

«Why?» I knew why, so my respond was needless, but I wanted to hear his reason for being willing to put me in the risky position. «It’s a meeting, 12’o clock. Be there precise. And Lauren. Ally and Alejandro will meet you there.» Ally! From the second my ear recognized her name my heart agreed to the mission. Ally was like a sister to me and knowing that she would be there, safe and sound reassured the concern I’d carried for the last three days.

I got on my motorcycle and drove to the agreed meeting point. A small blonde was in sight as I jumped off and ran towards her. I smashed my body into hers feeling her hug me back. «I’ve missed you Laur.». I gave her a smile. «I’ve missed you too Allycat, where have you been?» I asked but felt like someone stabbed me with a knife when I saw her pained look. I knew she’d been through more than I ever had my entire life the last three days.

«Sorry to break your reunion, but business calls.»  Kylie Jackson coughed. «Kylie.» I said coldly. «You know who I am Jauregui, so cut the bullshit. I’m not here to play. Do you have our stuff?» She asked with her foot moving up and down impatiently. I went over to my motorcycle and picked up the bag. I threw it at Kylie who caught it with her hand before she sliced one of the concealed packages open. The white powder trickled out causing her to smile wide.

She nodded to her friend who tossed over an envelope. I opened it and counted the money, checking that everything was okay. «I do think you need another lesson in math. It’s only 30, it’s supposed to be 40.» I said confidently. The general rule, never let the foe smell fear, because that will be the death of you. «It’s all you get Jauregui. Deal with it.» She growled. 

I grinned at her, her gang always pulled this shit and we always had to show them their rightful place, which was below us. «Last chance, Kylie.» I threatened and with this I kicked the ball over to her court. Either she’d choose the easy way, or we would have an extensive old-fashioned gang brawl that would end badly for both sides. She pierced her eyes in me, debating her options, well aware of the consequences that came along. «Go to hell.» She spat at me before picking up the bag, ready to leave.

I snapped my fingers together and Alejandro tackled Kylie to the ground. Her two helpers turned in an instant, that was my cue to join in. «Ally stay back!» I yelled and punched one of the guys, causing him to stumble back. Alejandro had taken Kylie’s bag, that boy might be a psycho, but in times like this he could be the decisive different. 

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