Chapter 16

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~I can break the chains that bind you~

Lauren’s POV

I was freaking out, literally! I ran around Ally’s house, grabbing clothes from her closet, examining them, before throwing them at the floor. «Woah, Lauren. Are you going to dine at Camila’s or the president’s? You’re destroying my entire closet.» Ally whined, standing in the doorway with a bowl of popcorn. «Ahrg, Ally! You don’t have anything to wear!» I said frustrated. 

«Stop it, why can’t you use your own clothes?» Ally asked, «Because I don’t think her parents will appreciate them.» I answered honestly while I kept looking through her drawers. «Ally, what is this?» I asked and held up a yellow skirt. Ally snatched it out of my hands, «If you can’t appreciate the pure beauty of neon you don’t deserve to be in this room.» Ally said sulky. 

I laughed at her obsession with neon. «It’s just not me.» I excused myself. «True, why can’t you just take one of your checkered shirts?». «Ally you’re a genius!» I screamed and embraced her. «You’re welcome.» She chuckled, «But come on, let’s watch the movie, the popcorn is already cold.» I nodded my head and followed her down stairs. Later that night I didn't catch on any of the action in the film, as my thoughts were with what tomorrow would offer.

«Lauren.» Camila snapped her fingers in front of my face and I shook my head, getting back to reality. «Where were you?» She asked and quirked an eyebrow at me, «I, um. No where.» I answered and took a sip of my glass. «She’s just excited about the dinner with her future parents in law.» Ally said teasingly, causing me to instantly choke on the water. Camila thumbed me into my back, trying to get the water out of my throat, while Ally sat there laughing her ass off. I glared at her and when I was about to come with a smart remark I felt coldness surrounding me and I stood up, completely soaked. «What the fuck!» I screamed and turned around to Kylie standing there with an empty glass.

«Ops.» She said innocently, but contradicted herself by smiling viciously at me. I took a step towards her, ready to smash her head with my fist, but Camila grabbed my hand. I faced her and she gave me a warning look. «Lauren, don’t do this.». I turned to Kylie who watched me with amusement, but I grudgingly got back down on my chair, hearing Kylie and her friends laughing behind my back, «Wow Lauren, it took you less time than my dog to get whipped.» She mocked.

My blood boiled, but Camila tightened her grip around my hand. I glared at them as they finally left the cafeteria and I let out a relieved breath. «Thank you Lauren.» Camila said and kissed my cheek. I smiled at her kiss, but there was almost impossible to ignore the feeling of defeat. I rose to my feet, receiving question looks from my girlfriend and friends. «Sorry. I need to change shirt.» I mumbled absentmindedly.

I pulled off the soaked shirt and cursed Kylie for messing up my already nerve-wracking day. «Running away again Lauren?» A familiar voice resounded through the bathroom. I faced the girl I hadn’t seen since the day of the incident. A gasp left my mouth and she grinned confidently. «I saw Kylie taking her wrath out on you, wonder what she’d say if she knew the truth.» The girl said narrowing her eyes into me. 

I looked away in shame, I couldn’t show any feelings, but it was impossible when everything I’d felt that night came flowing back. «I don’t know what you’re talking about.» I said playing off casually. I brushed past her but she put her arm out, blocking my way. «I’ll make sure both Kylie and that pretty little girlfriend of yours know the truth.» She hissed at me. 

The threat was what got the cup to overflow and I pushed her into the wall, «You don’t say a word. Or your precious little gang will suffer.» I said with fire in my eyes. The girl immediately looked terrified and raced from the bathroom as fast as she could. I ran a hand through my hair frustrated. This day had started with nothing else than troubles. 

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