Chapter 20

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~You’re gonna find real love~

Lauren’s POV

«Clara.» I said, trying to sound as indifferent as possible. I gazed into the eyes of the woman that once abandon me and my father, hating us too much to stay. «How are you?» She asked and I looked at her in disbelief, «How about we skip to your explanation.» I suggested aggressively, resenting every minute that kept me ignorant to the truth.

«Lauren.» The woman sighed, presumably hating the entire concept of confessing to a rude and spoiled teen. Even though she was to blame for the behavior, at least some of it. «I never meant to hurt you Lauren.» She started and took a step closer to me, but I flinched away, not wanting the compassion this woman offered now, thinking it was too late. «Save that, I only want the reason.» I spat out, but instantly felt guilty when her eyes flickered to the ground in shame.

«Hows my siblings?» I said in a mocked tone instead. «Taylor is good, she has a lot of friends at her new school and she plays soccer. Chris on the other hand is almost scaring like you, he’s fierce and strong, but he struggles at school. On the other hand he found his solace in football.» Clara went on and it pained me to watch how proudly she spoke about her other children. «So they’re happy.» I responded, glad that they had gotten a new start, but devastated that I wasn’t there to witness it. 

«They constantly ask about you Lauren. You and Mike.» She said tentatively, probably trying to comfort me with the fact that my sister and brother missed me. «Then why did you take them away in the first place?» I said emotionless. «I’ve never forgiven myself for that Lauren. I don’t think I ever will.» My mother said and her eyes started to get watered, but the feelings that were hidden under the surface were much more intense.

«Look at me!» I said and pointed to the scar above my eye. «This is real!» I screamed and pulled up my shirt, showing of the blue swelling round my rib section that still hadn’t faded away. «You left me with this.» I said and showed the tattoo on my arm, «I’m all of this because of you.» I added and my mother fell to her knees. Looking similar to me with tears streaming down her face overwhelmingly. 

«I’m sorry Lauren.» Watching my mother crying broke my heart and I ran over to her and instantly put my arms around her. «I had to, your father wouldn’t leave me alone. He promised that he’d never seek revenge if I left you, the child who were destined to bring his legacy further.» My mother cried into my chest, «He wouldn’t let you go.» She sobbed out and in return I rubbed her back soothingly with my hand, feeling her regret and shame in the depths of her words. I never thought I’d ever say the words that left my mouth next, «I forgive you.». 

The rest of the day we found a cafe and my mother showed me pictures of my sister and brother. I was amazed at how much they’d changed. They looked more mature and I realized they were smiling on all of the photos. A burden left my heart, knowing they were happy and had successfully get their life back on track. «How are you Lauren?» My mother asked sincerely and I shrugged my shoulders. «I’m fine, I can handle everything. The business is going fine.» I said discreetly, looking over my shoulders, careful not to divulge anything with any suspicious ears around. 

«I didn’t mean that Lauren, I meant you.» Clara asked, almost sounding motherly. «I’m fine.» I said. «Who was the girl who held your hand?» She questioned curiously before taking a sip of her coffee. «My girlfriend.» I answered hesitant, not sure how she would react. She coughed on her drink and I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing at her reaction. «You’re gay?» She said and wiped her mouth with the napkin. «I am.» I admitted, «Surprised?». 

My mother stared out in the air before flickering her eyes meeting my gaze, «It doesn’t matter, as long as your happy. Beside she seems nice, not the type you’d usual go for.». «I know, but I just have an urge to protect her, but also to keep her mine.» I confessed, looking down with redness in my cheek, feeling hot just talking about her. «Just be careful.» My mother said, causing me to quirk an eyebrow, «What’s that supposed to mean?».

A phone buzzed and my mother grabbed it, getting a troubled expression, «I’m sorry Lauren, it was really nice talking to you again, but I have to go for now.» She said and started packing up her things. «What did you mean?» I said, grabbing her arm, holding her back until she would reveal her purpose with the statement. «It’s just that, love wasn’t enough for your father to keep his family entirely safe. Be careful not to expose too much of this life for Camila. Most people call the heritage after your father for an honor, but I’d rather say it is a curse.» 

She disappeared out of the door and I never thought her answer would leave me with a million more questions. The thought of Camila getting hurt because of the life I was living sent unpleasant shivers down my entire spine. I finally got myself away from the thoughts and dashed out of the cafe. I started scurrying along the street when I heard my name being yelled, I didn’t recognize the voice, but it sounded young, almost like a child voice. No matter how implausible it was that it would be actually me they screamed for I swung around.

A little girl, probably around 6 years stood there with a nervous smile. I felt my facade fall to the ground and I got down on one knee, «Hey you, where are your parents?» I asked and the little girl pointed to a food store. «You shouldn’t be on the street alone.» I advised the girl, aware of the dangerous secrets of the city’s dark streets. «Are you Camila’s girlfriend?» She asked and I stood there for a moment, only watching her.

«I am,» I said and suddenly the girl squealed out, «Can I please get a photo with you?». I was sat aback by the unusual request, but the girl looked at me with big puppy eyes, reminding me of my sister Tay. I nodded my head and we positioned for a selfie where the girl put her arms around my neck.


Camila's POV

I sat in the chair, tapping my fingers nervously on the table. The fact that I hadn't heard from Lauren all day concerned me more than anything, she'd sworn that she would contact me the instant she'd talked to her mother. I wasn't impatience, only the slightest excited to hear about her meeting. Stories like these inspired me, it was the perfect book, sad and misunderstood girl, feeling abandon by her mother, meets her and gets her happy ending. 

Nothing was prayed for more than Lauren getting her perfect ending, going to college, study, get a job that didn't involve anything illegal, married, children. I wanted to be there for Lauren, whenever she accomplished all of those things, but maybe more than anything I wanted to be there when she revealed her vows. I wanted to be the girl who heard the words her magnificent mind would speak and the one who reciprocated them as best as I could. 

I pulled myself together and walked around her house, observing the few pictures in her house, just like at mine's there wasn't a lot of them, maybe she didn't plan on staying either. My eyes moved to a rake, I shook my head. Lauren really sucked at keeping it tidy here. I grabbed the rake and carried it out to her garage. I put it with the rest of the garden tools and was on my way out when my clumsy self decided to trip over an open bag.

My eyes observed small transparent bags with a horrifying white powder. In the second I picked one of them up, hoping more than anything that it was flour and that she planned a huge cake party, Lauren came in the door, «Camz, I'm back.» She said, but stopped watching the bag in my hand with a shocked expression. «What is this?» I asked, fuming with anger. I knew she'd done drugs, but never did I think she sold them herself. Even though I should have anticipated it when she had told me about the Jauregui's.

«It's um, it’s..» She stuttered out and seemingly had difficulties with finding the proper words. «This is fucking drugs Lauren!» I yelled at her, more pissed, but also scared, causing my voice to tremble, «This.. This can ruin you, you can end up with a life sentence in jail if you get caught!» I waited for her reply, but never had I seen her this speechless and all I wanted to do was closing my eyes and pretend I hadn't seen it, but I knew for sure that it was impossible. I walked over to her with determined steps when I realized she wasn't going to come up with a clever answer.

I looked from the bag in my hand to her eyes, that refused to meet mine's, «Lauren, I love you, but it's either this or me.» I said and grabbed her hand, dropping the small bag into it and surrounding both my hands around hers. I held around her hand for a second, finally meeting her eyes. «I'm not going to sit around and watch you ruin your life. You're an angel who have lost your wings, but you can learn to fly, if you let go of everything that keeps you down. If you believe our love is real, you'll make the right decision.» I ended the conversation and left her house, not hearing a single protest.


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