Chapter 12

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~This is not your destiny~

Camila’s POV

«Camila.» My mum opened the door slowly and peeked through the gap, waiting for my approval. I sighed and nodded my head in her direction, confirming her request. «We have to talk about this.» She said and sat down beside me on the bed, «Is this really how you feel?». I didn’t dare to speak, but gave a slight nod in response, not sure of her reaction. 

«Why haven’t you said anything before?» My mum asked resting her cheek on the top of my head. «When?» I looked up at her, seeing the expression on her face beaming with guilt, «When could I?» I repeated. «You were always on the computers, or busy arranging my next great career move.». A stillness fell between us, «I’m sorry.» She muttered into my hair, «We need a family emergency meeting.» I smiled, thinking about actually gathering to discuss what concerned the four people that lived in the house, not only me.

2 months, 2 weeks. How could that feel like a lifetime? I’ll explain. Seeing the girl you love with your entire heart act like you’re nothing. That you were never more than a shiny toy that gets thrown away as soon as you’re finished playing. She behaved like we were strangers, or worse. She didn’t even look at me, her genuine smiles had left this earth and instead been replaced by smirks and grins, that constantly taunted everyone.

Someone you felt so connected to, how could it all disappear in the blink of an eye? Like a leaf in the wind, rotating in the breeze until it vanishes, leaving only silence and the pitiful nothing. Without Lauren everything was dark, like she’d hit a switch and it was impossible for me to figure a method to undo it. Her magic had worked in mysterious ways, but I couldn’t break the spell she had cast on me. It was like I was trapped in my own little Jauregui-funk.

«I told you the girl was bad news.» Normani said while sitting at my side, putting her arm supportingly around my neck. «Sh, it could have worked.» Dinah argued and stuck her tongue out. «No, because then it would mean that Lauren Jauregui actually had feelings, and I hate to break it to you, but she doesn’t.» The brownie-skinned girl joked. 

«I’m sorry guys, I just don’t feel like school today.» I said taking Normani’s arm off me and leaving for the exit. «We’re sorry Mila.» They both pouted, «Please don’t ditch us today. You’ve been miserable for the past two weeks.». I rolled my eyes at them and they exchanged a puzzled glance before they both jumped at me and started tickling me until I was out of breath. «Oh my God, I hate you.» I whispered watching the people who observed us with weird looks plastered on their faces. My phone buzzed and I checked the message from my mom. 

M: ‘What you want for our annual family dinner? :) :)’

C: ‘pizza :)’ 

I smiled at the phone. My parents hadn’t changed overnight, but they tried and that was what counted in my heart. «Ooh, who’s that?» Normani teased and I decided to play her a prank in revenge. «My secret lover.» I answered gloriously. «Mila! Who?!» Normani squealed. Dinah sent me a question look and before she could open her mouth to say something that would ruin the joke I gave her a light shove, «Oh is that the special person you were talking about?» Dinah said with a wink, too obvious to be taken serious. 

I slapped myself in the face of Dinah’s failed go at being cunning. Normani laughed holding her stomach in a vain attempt to suppress it. Dinah only stood there pouting her lips at us, which caused my own laughter fit to develop. «Dawgs, you suck.» Dinah said throwing her hair at us and walking to class. I exchanged a witty look with Normani before we again broke out in laughter. Dinah huffed annoyed, only adding to our amusement.

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