Chapter 18

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~It’s better than where you’ve been~

Camila’s POV

We watched the entire interview and every time Camren was mentioned I felt Lauren’s hand tighten around mine. It made me smile knowing my words affected her this way, and even I was astonished at my affectionate words and expressions when talking about Lauren. «It’s Camren, yo.» Lauren whispered, caressing my ear with her lips, making my body tremble under her touch. «Oh my Gosh!» Dinah yelled with her eyes glued to the screen. She clapped her hands together in excitement, «Camrenfeels, are all over the place.» 

We laughed at her, but she ignored us and continued her very own Camren supporting celebrations. «Are you girls staying over?» Lauren asked and turned off the TV when the interview ended. «Definitely!» Dinah and Normani said in unison and turned to Ally who sat with her eyes fixated on the phone, seemingly in another universe. «Ally!» Dinah screamed and threw a cushion at her. It hit her straight in the face, causing her to drop the phone, looking at us with her messed up hair.

«Don’t you see I’m busy?» Ally retorted, picking up her phone, going back into her second world. «Exactly why she did it.» Normani said and snapped the phone out of Ally’s small hands, once again depriving Ally of her most precious asset. Ally tried to snatch it back, but was impeded by the height difference between her and Normani. She saw no other way than to threat Normani into fulfill her request, «Mani, I will kill you.» 

I draped my arm around Camila’s waist as we both laughed at their fight, enjoying the fact that we for once, didn’t have the leading roles in the dramatic scene that unfolded. «Shut it Ally, answer the question. Your tattoos doesn’t scare me, neither does your adorable smile.» Normani said, pinching Ally’s cheeks, seeing the annoyance grow. Ally slapped Normani’s hands away from her face. «What question?» Ally asked.

«If you want to sleep over?» I answered quickly, knowing that Ally’s patience limit was soon to be reached. «Duh, Laur. I basically live her.» Ally informed, receiving the phone back in reward of her answering. «What about you Camila?» I muffled and tried to distinguish the eager tone that originated in my voice of the thought of spending the night with Camila.  «I have to ask my mother, but I can’t see why that would be a problem.» She gave me a smile and stepped out to call her mom.

«Oh, are you going to get it on tonight?» Ally asked noisily, which initiated a conversation that I felt more than indisposed to discuss. «Haven’t you girls, you know, done it?» Dinah asked surprising and I slammed my hand in front of her mouth. «Dim yourself, will you?» I sneered and Dinah mumbled an almost inaudible sorry and I let my hand fall to my side. «But really?» She repeated herself. I groaned lightly, «Wouldn’t you know if we had?» I asked rhetorically and motioned to Normani and Dinah. They both nodded their heads agreeing, «Probably.». 

«Are you going to?» Normani asked bluntly and I opened my mouth, but shut it quickly. «I don’t want to pressure her.» I breathed out and they both nodded seemingly placated with the answer. «It’s Lauren’s first.» Ally shot in, wearing a soft expression on her face, «First what?» Normani asked confused due to my famous reputation of being a heartbreaker. «Lauren are you a virgin?» Dinah asked, directing her gaze to my face. I stared at Ally, waiting to see if there was any point in her statement.

«She’s a virgin when it comes to love.» Ally muttered like it was obvious. I felt myself blush uncontrollably of her uncovering my current relationship with Camila. «Aw.» Normani said and gave me a sugar-sweet smile. I picked up a cushion and gave her the same treatment Dinah had inflicted Ally earlier. «Shouldn’t Camila be back by now?» Dinah said and we stopped talking, all attempting to hear the conversation that took place in the next room. «Mom!» Camila whined and we all gazed to the door curiously, only to hear the rest, to our disappointment, being dimmed down.

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