Chapter 14

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~No, this is not your legacy~

Camila’s POV

I admired the view, looking out over the football field, seeing the flowers and gras that adorned the beautiful lawn at the edges. I imagined stunningly butterflies flying around, contributing to the lovely and summery weather. I sighed of the peaceful thoughts when the teacher approached my desk. «Camila!» I jumped at his sudden outburst and straightened myself up in the chair, feeling the blush creep onto my face. 

«Y-yes.» I stuttered nervously. «It’s a beautiful day, don’t you think?» He asked and the question was obviously sarcastic, but I answered anyway. «Yes I do, it’s warm and the sun is shining beautifully, but I do prefer studying in your class any day.» I replied as adorably as I managed while bashing my eyelashes. «I surely hope so, you’ve only attended this class for three months. There would be a shame if you already happened to be bored.»

The teacher, a young male, bought the adulation and nodded before he went back to his catheter. I breathed out a sigh of relief and turned to Dinah who sat there with huge puppy eyes. She leaned closer and lowered her tone, «And since I’m such a flirt I won’t get in trouble, isn’t that right mr. Daniels.» I showed my tongue at her imitation and she returned my gesture. «Wait to Lauren hear about this.» Dinah feigned disappointed, «She won’t be happy to hear about your escapade.»

«Shut up Dinah.» I rolled my eyes at her, but couldn’t deny the smile that crept on my face at the mention of her name. «Stop smiling.» Dinah complained as we strolled out of class together, «It makes me jealous.». I smiled even bigger, for two reasons, annoying Dinah and for the fact that I was actually being happy. 

I put my book back into my locker and shut it close, but before I could turn around arms surrounded me, taking a firm grip on my waist. The person hugged me from behind and there was not a doubt in my heart who it was. Only her perfume and the tender touch limited my options to only one particular girl. She nuzzled into my neck with her nose causing me to giggle, «Lauren, it tickles.» I said and faced her, leaving my arms around her neck. 

«It’s not my fault you’re ticklish.» She remarked and placed a light peck on my lips. «Mhm,» I mumbled, distracted by her lips that was only inches away from mine. «I’m hungry.» I randomly declared, gaining a cute laughter from my girlfriend. «You’re always hungry.» She commented and stroked my cheek gently, «But you’re right, let’s go.». She walked in front of me when I got an idea, I took off and jumped onto her back squealing like crazy. Her body tensed before it relaxed, letting go off the nerves. «Get off.» She pouted, but her tone was playful, indicating that she wasn’t mad. 

«No.» I answered, still clinging to her with all mighty. «But babe, you’re heavy.» She whined and I slapped her arm, «Did you just call me fat?» I put my hand to my chest, «That is no way to treat a lady.» I jumped off and sashayed past her, acting offended. «Camz, I was joking.» She apologized and grabbed me from behind, pulling me into her body. I decided to keep her sweating for a bit longer and refused to give her a glance. «I’ll buy you pizza.» She whispered and kissed my cheek repeatedly. 

«Pizza?» I squealed forgetting all about my master plan. She laughed and nodded in response, «Then let’s hurry!» I screamed excited and pulled her after me to the cafeteria. The minute we walked in all eyes were on us, or more explicable our intertwined hands. I gave Lauren a squeeze and looked at her, she somehow seemed relaxed about the whole situation. «Mila!» Dinah yelled and waved us over to their table. 

«Hey guys.» I greeted them all. Ally sat beside Normani, and they were enthusiastic about their current conversation. «It is!» Ally exclaimed with huge hand gestures. «No, it’s not!» Normani argued back, «It’s not her mother that is A!». I laughed when realizing their heated argument was about Pretty Little Liars. Dinah rolled her eyes and changed the course of her gaze to me and Lauren.

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