Chapter 13

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~Yesterday does not define you

Lauren’s POV

«Laur! Lauren!» Ally shouted after me and I turned around, annoyed at her nagging. I was surprised to see a girl standing at her side, «Lauren I want you to meet Normani.» She said gesturing to the girl who awkwardly put her hand out to shake mine. My arms remained crossed over my chest and I sent them both glares. I could tell that the brown skinned girl was scared, her eyes flickered, never to rest on anything for more than a second. 

«Stop that Lauren! Normani is actually really cool.» I growled in response to Ally and pulled her to the side, leaving an awkward Normani waiting. «What the fuck are you doing? She’s one of Camila’s friends, and you can’t be involved with her.» I said. She wriggled out of my grip and looked at me offended, «Who are you to decide who I’m friends with?» She was pissed, I could see it in her eyes.

«I’m sorry Ally, I didn’t mean it like that, but you know the rest of the guys will get suspicious. She’s not like us.» I stated and only got a shrug in response, «And neither is Camila, but I still see the passion you look at her with.» Ally’s eyes scrutinized me and she could tell she was right by the way my heart beat faster by the mentioning of her name. «And that’s exactly why I keep her out of it!» I snapped before I spun around and pushed the doors open. 

«Lauren!» Ally ran after me and got up to my side, trying to match my pace. «When are you going to break down your walls?!» Her words made me stop and turn to her. «You have to let someone in, whether it’s Camila or me.» She wasn’t mad anymore, only concerned, but she was insane to believe that I would. «You’re talking like I got a future.» I simply stated, «I thrive in my own company.» 

«Don’t do this, don’t shut down at the mention of caring or love. You’ve people caring about you, but you don’t believe you’re worth it. Please Lauren, cut this act.» She literally begged for me to consider her words, but all the glances from my fellow members interfered with my thoughts. I took a step closer and kept my voice low, «Ally, why are you suddenly so dedicated to fix my life?» Guilt made her face and my head went back to all the times we’d talk about ditching the gang, running away.

«You’re running away.» I said in a low whisper. «I’m not Lauren, I just..» Her words cut through my chest like knives. «This is not a life, neither for you or me.» She put her arms up frustrated, «We’re 18 and terrified of living. It’s not supposed to be like this. I want out.» She clenched her teeth and struggled to keep her tears in. 

«Don’t ever speak about this loud, do you hear me? Never.» I said strictly. «Lauren..» She started with uncertainty, «You already have, haven't you?» I asked surprised, «Normani.» I concluded and she didn’t deny the name. «Who else?». «Ally, who else?!» I repeated harshly and she looked down, «Luis.» Everything went past my eyes in flashbacks. I let go off her and trotted over to my motorcycle.

Chances was one in a million that the rumors weren’t already on the streets, regardless of who Ally was to me this would serve consequences. I positioned the helmet and clicked it on, praying quietly that no one heard. When I arrived at my house, literally mine, after my dad passed away. I threw my keys on the kitchen counter and walked into my living room. Nothing had been moved on since he died and you could still sense his present. Like his soul never left this house even though his body had.

I shivered at the thought of my father’s ghost haunting me, something told me it wouldn’t be a pleasant visit. My stomach rumbled and I opened my refrigerator without finding anything edible, not even a crust of bread. Seems like the old man was good for something more than scaring the shit out of people, like grocery shopping. I found a bottle of some gross booze. I popped it and in honor of the dead man I raised it, «Cheers dad, may the yesterdays never define me.» 

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