Chapter 15

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~This is not your meant to be~

Lauren’s POV

I scouted around her room, Camila was downstairs arguing with her parents about the pictures that the tabloids had published earlier today. It was bad, picturing of us hugging and kissing, seemingly impossible to rationalize. Which made Camila decide to open up about the whole thing to her fans. She didn’t want them to perceive her as nothing but honest. I on the other hand dreaded meeting the rest of the gang. Her fans had taken it pretty well, something I could say with certainty that the other members in my circle wouldn’t. 

I lied on her bed and studied her empty white walls. There was no pictures of her with friends, neither one of her awards or prizes where in the room, nor did she have any personal belongings that could indicate that it was the room of a 17 year old popstar. It lacked personality, and it looked more like a hotel room than something permanent. That was probably what it was for her though, something temporarily.

The only picture I found after a lot of searching was of her, with her parents. It was capturing them in a beautiful sunset and they were all holding hands. I examined it and concluded with it being before all the hysteria with the media and celebrity status. The door creaked and gave me a fright. Almost dropping the picture I stumbled around to see my girlfriend in the door with a huge smile.

«Enjoying my room?» She said while walking over to the bed. I joined her on it and answered honestly, «I do, specially this photo.» She lied down on her back and I handed over my favorite object in the room for her to see, «Oh, this was a long time ago.» She examined the photo like it was a new discovery for her too. 

I lied down beside her on my side, following her features with my eyes, from her cheekbone to her cute nose and ended up on her pink lips, that for the record looked very kissable. «Camila, are you staying?» I asked her and she switched her concentrating gaze from the picture to me, «What do you mean?» She answered bewildered and with her eyes sparkling. «Your room, it’s so.. Empty.» I watched her react by looking thoughtfully up in the ceiling. 

«I’ve never stayed at a place for more than a few weeks..» She sighed before explaining further, «The only belongings I have is what I’ve managed to pack and for the lack of pictures, I don’t have any friends.» I was about to protest, but she beat me to it, «I mean, I have you, Dinah, Normani and Ally, but it hasn’t always been like that..» 

I watched her taking a deep breath, not wanting to disturb her flow of thoughts I waited patiently for her to resume, «I moved a lot when I was younger, never settled down anywhere. This year is supposed to be mine, to discover myself and to create bonds with people my age and not only the other people in my business.». This was clearly hard for her to talk about, seeing that her look remained up with a serious expression. 

«And instead of living your dream life you ended up with me, not exactly the ultimate trade.» I joked and successfully earned a wide smile. She turned to face me, her cheeks were flustered «It definitely wasn’t what I expected.» She corrected me with a shy smile, «But I wouldn’t ask for anything to turn out differently.» I let out a genuine smile, but withdrew it as quickly as it appeared. Camila stretched her arm out and touched my cheek, «Don’t hide that beautiful smile of yours.» 

It was impossible to not listen to her as I watched her brown eyes beam at me. «Come here.» I said and with both arms I pulled her closer to me and attached our lips. It started as a slow kiss. I sneaked my hand to the back of her head, deepening the kiss. Never in my life had I felt this lust, but at the same wanting to go slow, making it last as long as possible. I traced my tongue down her lower lip, causing her to part her lips, giving me full access to her mouth as I swirled my tongue with hers. I lifted my weight and hovered over her, never breaking the contact. 

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