Chapter 24

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~Winter into spring~

Camila's POV

Everything hurt, but the pain in my head was definitely the ultimate winner. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids felt too heavy to even flutter open. It felt like my hands were tied down and that I was trying to defy Mother Nature when I unsuccessfully brought my hand to my face. «Camila.» My mother voice sounded out of nowhere. I moved my head after her, trying to get closer but instantly felt two hands covering each side of my head, «Easy, it's okay. It's okay.» My mother's voice soothed out of the still extensive darkness.

It took a minute, or maybe a hundred before I managed to open my eyes. I watched my mother with a relieved expression, holding my father's hand. They were both bent over me and I almost jumped at the sight, if it hadn't been for the at least seven wires that were attached to different parts of my body. I cleared my dry throat, only to realize I had an uncomfortable tube sticking in it. I immediately panicked but was hold down by a nurse, «Ms Cabello, you cannot move yet. Your body needs to rest.» She said and I obeyed without protests, letting my shoulders fall back into a relaxed position.

«Camila, sweetheart, do you remember anything?» My mother asked while stroking my forehead with her hand motherly. I shook my head, but had to stop cause of the agony that occurred when I moved my head. «Honey, you were attacked while being out with Lauren. You've been in a coma for the past 2 months. We were so scared that you'd never wake up.» My mother explained and I could clearly hear the sobs that threatened in her voice.

My mind progressed everything slowly, and it only gave me a bigger headache when trying to remember. Wait, Lauren! I lifted my gaze and let it roam before meeting my mom's eyes. She nodded her head sideways, motioning for the girl who lied in a chair in the other side of the room. «She hasn't left your side honey, but..» My mother stopped for a second before exchanging a glance with my dad. He then walked over and woke Lauren up. Lauren looked like she was in a daze before her eyes went wide and she looked straight at me.

She came over to my side and grabbed my hand. I whimpered at the soreness but didn't say a word, afraid that she'd let go. Not that I could have anyway. My parents left the room, probably understanding that I wanted to have this moment alone with Lauren. I studied her face, she looked exhausted, red eyes and almost a little pale. «Hey Camz..» She said and I squeezed her hand a little tighter to let her know that I was listening. «You're looking good you know.» She said and I desperately wanted to smile, but the tube in my mouth made that a little too difficult.

She then went all silent and I watched her eyes water, something that was a rather rare occasion and I'd only watched it happened once, when her father died. «Camila..» Lauren started and her voice sounded cold, barely a whisper. «I hope your recovery will go well, but I will not be here for you..» She said and it hit me like a brick wall, something I felt had literally already happened. Was she leaving? She must have recognized my bewildered expression because she hurried to continue, «I can't be here for you, not anymore.» She corrected herself and if my heart had been the only thing not hurting, it definitely ached now.

She broke up with me? Why? Tears were coming to my eyes and I wanted to scream my thoughts out, but I couldn't even let out a normal word. Lauren looked devastated, tears were streaming down her face and fell on my hand, burning a mark into my skin. «It's just not working..» Lauren whispered. «It just can't be anymore. I have to follow my dad's legacy and I just can't do it when you're in my life. You're a distraction, a bad one. We would never last.» She lied. I knew she lied, her eyes told me a whole different story than what she was telling me right now.

She let go of my hand and I stared at her, wanting to break free and shake her into senses. Everything we'd been through, she was just tossing it away, because of something as ridiculous as her stupid legacy! A destiny that wasn't even meant for her. I wanted to shout and scream and do everything in my power to make her turn around, to make her come back, but I couldn't do anything than to watch her go, watch her take my sanity and heart with her out the door.

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