Chapter 4

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~Nobody ever would~

Lauren’s POV

Holy shit, the famous pop singer Camila Cabello turned out to be the girl I’d kissed a week ago. The way her eyes burrowed into my soul made ​me feel unexpected remorse. I wouldn’t be surprised if I looked like a disturbed monster through her innocent eyes, but I had to shake that thought off. I did this for my future. The status wasn’t given, either I’d prove myself or I’d get kicked out.

Being kicked out would be the simple way. Getting beaten until you begged for your own death didn’t seem as tempting. The shame that I would bring to my name would be only another burden to carry, if I survived.

I got out of the bathroom and corrected the edge on my black leather jacket. I passed a few people I knew. All saluted me by spreading their thumb and index finger and putting them right above their hearts, forming a J.

I couldn’t suppress the smile. I might didn’t appreciate all the responsibilities and duties that came along, but I absolutely preferred all the power I had been assigned with. No one messed with me and everyone listened, maybe out of fear but who really cared. This might not be such a bad thing after all.

«Watch it.» I spat as a girl bumped into me making me drop my books to the floor.

«Or what Jauregui?» She asked mockingly. Damn it, the temper simmered inside of me. The girl checked me out, probably to measure the height and body musculature of her opponent.

She grinned widely as she realized my height wasn’t exactly much to brag about. I accepted her challenge and she took a quick step towards me and I could see her arm moving at me in a hurry as I ducked, hearing the sound of her bones break throughout the hallway as her hand hit the lockers behind me. She cried out in agony.

A teacher appeared sending me a dark glare before taking the crying girl out of my sight. I couldn’t help but cough at the whole situation. I hadn’t even laid a hand on the girl and the tears were already streaming down her face.

My friend Luis came and put his hand on my shoulder, «Nice job Jauregui.» 

«I didn’t touch her. She hurt herse-» I tried to explain, but my impatient friend cut me off with a silly wink, «Of course not.» 

I rolled my eyes, not even bothered to explain. The chance was about zero that he’d listen anyway. I’ve known Luis for years and he was like an annoying little brother, always nagging and taking the piss out of me.

I wriggled myself out of his grip and got to my class. The point of attending school wasn't to achieve the needed grades. I wasn't going to college, but the point was to prove that if I could I would have gotten in. I reached my desk getting a gloomy look from the teacher, the same guy who brought the girl away. I just shrugged my shoulder innocently.

I know he wanted someone to blame for the mess, and I didn’t mind taking the downfall for it. I wasn’t even the one starting it, but my dad would be nothing less than proud to hear I finished it. And with Luis being himself, the whole school would probably hear about the incident within a few hours.

The schoolday ended and beside from a few comments from my friends the rest of the day was quiet. I walked out and dug in my pocket after the lighter. I lit my cigarette and drew the soothing smoke down in the depths of my lungs. I breathed out slowly and watched as the parking lot emptied. When it was no one in sight I marched over to my motorcycle. It was a true beauty, my greatest accomplishment. 

My dad bought it to me when my mother left as a consolation gift, but it had been out of shape and the portions were barely held together. I’d worked on it, put all my effort and sweat and now it was shining like it was brand new.

Chained by Destiny (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now