Assassins Creed - Dangerous Interests

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Kingston 1717 -

Elizabeth's - POV -

It was another scorching hot day in Kingston used for yet another ruthless day of training within the order's secret hideout. I was growing tired of being pushed around by the others who had commited their lives to such ways, as I still needed to become accustomed to their plans and what there goal was for the world.

Ever since my father died I was forced to live this life with the Templars as the tradition was sent through our family. But I was not like them... I didn't seek power an order through out the land, I didn't want to hunt Assassins or kill innocent people. I wanted to be free.

It was that same day I found myself unfocused in my physical training and was teared away from my dreams due to the pain that seeped up my back as I found myself on the harsh, solid floor facing up towards my opponent in the arena.
When I realised what was going on, I stealthily got to my feet whilst my opponents back was turned with what they thought was a successful win, until I stood up an found my bearings. Slowly I snook up behind the muscular form harmlessly tapping their shoulder before ducking under their fearsome left hook dodging the blow of their left fist and hitting the back of their weak knee, causing them to collapse in a heap on the floor puzzled at what had just happened they squirmed uncomfortably as you pinned them down, not allowing them to have justice.

I had won the fight.

As I made my way out of the mud filled pit, I heard course breathing rapidly approaching behind me, before he knew it he was yet again on the floor an at this point had blacked out.

"Humph, that will teach him. To try an get revenge, just because I won."

Just then your Master's courier sounded your name an had requested that you spoke to the Grand master. What could he possibly want with you, a new comer who had little experience in real life quests.

A few minutes passed as your mind wondered, waiting patiently infront of the gold rimmed oak doors that lead to the Masters quarters. Suddenly, the doors flung open.

"Elizabeth, please join me."

You were greeted by a tall, fair-skinned man dressed in blue attire with brass buttons, his facial features were soft yet stern as the slight wrinkles showed his age to be around his 40's.

He greeted you with a stern smile and then proceeded to talk business.

"Elizabeth, I have called upon you to do the next quest for our Order. I want you to hunt down one of the most wanted assassins that lives around these se--"
Before he proceeded you butted in,
"But sir, I have only been here a mere 5 months and -"
The anger upon his face was clear as you had even dared to question his decision.
"SILENCE!" He slammed his fist on the table startling you only to get your attention
"The assassins name is Kenway, Edward Kenway" my face dropped as I heard the name, he was the most deadly assassins i had ever seen, an I was sent to hunt him down. Knowing it was foolish I accepted the quest as if not it would only result in being beaten for such disloyalty.

As much as I didn't want to, I didn't want to be corrupted, however I had no choice... I've never had a choice as a Templar, it was either accept the offer or suffer the consequences.

I was then to be sent of to find Edward Kenway an destroy him.

-- authors note --
Ok, I know it dragged on but the first chapter is always the hardest :/ I know it's not that brill either but I promise it will get better :) thank for reading, will update when possible x

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