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On the Jackdaw 1717 -

Elizabeth's POV -

As i slept, my dream became much more vivid.

*His pink lips collided with mine passionately,as I was once again wrapped in his arms. My cheeks grew pink as our embrace became tighter, eyes closed, enjoying the moment before our soft lips parted and we gaze art one another. The once wavey brown hair and soft brown eyes, soon morphed into thick blond locks, with prominent facial features... Edward! We smiled once more before joining into another loving embrace.*


That voice, it was so familiar. He was here...Edward was here.

The scraping of the wooden chair drew louder as he came closer to where I lay. My body felt like a rag doll, torn, worn out and bruised. My attempt of opening my eyes required so much effort, only to be met with the blonde locks and caring facial expression of Who'm I had just caressed in my dream.

I felt my cheeks burning as I recall my dream. " E...Edward." I smiled whilst trying to hide my face from its embarrassing red . I squinted, trying to cause least amount of pain to my swollen face.

"Jaysus lass, you had me worried there." He smiles back as he sounded his response. He lent over me as he went to soothe my swollen face with his hand.

Our eyes locked as he hovered only a few centimeters away from my flushed face, the same hungry look in his eyes as he'd had in my dream, before he soon snapped out of it and looked as though he was in pain.

A slight knock sounded by the capns door "You ok there cap'n. we're coming close to Havana, well be soon making port." Ade then appeared around the doors awaiting Edwards response.

"Aye, ill be up in a minute mate." Edward looked at Ade, who then turned away an left the room.

Edwards gaze returned to mine before he checked my wounds. I could see he was sad. But what about? As I was engulfed by the multiple questions, I realized Edward was about to leave. My face dropped as I had enjoyed his company.
"Where you goin?" I questioned in a quiet grumbled voice

"Somebody has to make sure we port safely lass." His grin soon returned to his face before he left the cabin leaving me on my own once again.

Why Havana? What business does he have there? I guess I'll just have to find out....

----authors Note------

Thanks for reading, sorry its a bit boring towards the end lol didn't know what to write haha enjoy :)

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