A second chance

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Authors note ---

Sorry it's been a while guys! But of a crap chapter but hey ho.

Please vote an feel free to comment your opinions :)

Kingston 1717 ---

Elizabeth's POV---

"When you are ready, just think of going back and it will happen. May the creed guide you Elizabeth Smith. Nothing is true, Everything is permitted" and with that she was gone and I was left in the darkness once more.

Trying to choose...


I paced back and forth for a while in the emptiness, still taking in what the strange, ghost-like lady had told me.

My heart throbbed to be back with Edward and to show him my true emotions. I wanted to go on missions with him an take revenge on those bastard Templars with no mercy whatsoever. They would never take the freedom from the people, I would not allow it to happen.

However, what if I was really meant to be dead and I didn't get revenge an stop the Templar from destroying mankind.

"EURGH! I hate trying to choose, there is always so much pressure!" I mumble annoyed.
"Great I'm now talking to myself!"

After a few more minutes of pacing, I knew what I had to do.
"Guess there is only one way to find out if she was right." And with that said I thought of Edward sitting with my dead body on his lap, before a white light flashed in front of me, sucking me into the black abyss yet again.

Edwards POV ---

I sat on the cold dirt floor, cradling Elizabeth's thin, broken body. Sobbing quietly, wishing she was here again. If only I had gone to look for her earlier! Or even better, never letting her stubborn self leave in the first place. I stroked her ice cold face, looking into her cold, pained eyes. Her features so peaceful and still as she lay still in her never ending slumber.

Another tear flowed from my eye as it dripped, free falling in the crisp air.
I stared at her face through blurry eyes as I felt the surge of more tears starting up.
Just then, I could have sworn I saw her sweet lips twitch but I passed it over as my unclear eye sight... I sighed out loud, she was never coming back, I just needed to accept it.

I looked away for a moment gaining composure as I looked back and scooped her body in my firm grip, carrying her body bridal style.
That's when something strange happened...

Her leg twitched.

I am going crazy! She couldn't have, she's dead.
I continued walking ignoring the fact her leg moved and passed it over to be my imagination.

I looked around, continuing to walk down the silent Ally way.

"Huuuuhhh" a stifled gasp was heard an my eyes rapidly shot down to see Elizabeth wide eyed gasping as she coughed, breathing in the harsh air. My mouth was a gape, completely astounded by what was happening.

Her eyes connected with mine as she smiled and started to tear up as did I.

"Elizabeth!?" I said confused as my mouth hung open.

"Edward" her smooth angelic voice answered and we both stared at each other lost in thought.

I let the tears fall from my eyes as I hugged her tiny frame not wanting to let go until we had both let all our emotions out...

----- Authors Note ----
Sorry it's a bit shit lol :) I had AWFUL writers block!
Can't wait to write the next bit :) thank you for reading guys!

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