Plan into action

399 20 8

Kingston 1717 -
The morning of the hanging--

Edwards POV---

I silently stay seated in the safe haven of the haystack, cautiously peaking around the prison walls awaiting my time to make a run for it.
A few remaining guards sweep the near by area. My eyes eagerly follow one of them as he comes close to the hay I'm hidden in. Pursing my lips, and slowly blowing out air, I whistle catching his attention. Th guard jolts slightly, not knowing why he just heard. Now intrigued, he starts to stomp in my direction pulling out hos sword. Before going to far I swiftfully flick out my wrist and the bastards neck is slit and I effortlessly pull his body into the stack and then I jump out of it.

The other guards have been taken care of by Mary and I look up to see her smirking cockily as she's stood over the other guards, retrieving her sword from ones back. We walk towards the edge of the rooftop at the prisons walls and look over, witnessing the roaring crowd as I see My poor, beautiful Elizabeth being dragged to her fait.

Her head is facing down, he body slouched. Her clothes are now just mere rags in which her bruised form is hiding under. She's not fighting back. Just being dragged along without a care in the world. I can't let this happen to her. I see as that Fucking Bastard William places his foot atop her back once she's pushed to the floor, showing dominance over her.

I feel a stray cold liquid form in my eye, slowly making its way down my cheek. I realize that now is the time to do something. I look to Mary as she nods in a way that says 'lets Do this' and My body takes over and launches into action, making my way rapidly towards the wooden stage and the wild crowds.
I hear the clink of the leaver and I push my way forward through the mass of body's, shoving them out of my line of sight.
The hatch opens and her body is sent hurtling down the through the gap in the wooden floor.

"EVERYBODY MOVE!" I shout and they obey.
I pull out my flintlock pistol and shoot at the rope with precision. the crowd gasp at my rash actions and soon scramble away screaming in chaos.

I look to see Mary chasing William as he tries to flee the scene. I look towards the little broken body motionless on the floor beneath the stage. My emotions smack me in the face as I long to hold MY Elizabeth in my arms. My legs take over, ignoring the scene that unfolds around me. Only focusing on her, my one priority.

"Elizabeth." I call out to her as I get closer, but I don't get a reply.

"Elizabeth..." I get to her body slowly turning it over. Her angelic face is peaceful, her lips slightly parted, her beautiful eyes wide open...

But she's not breathing.

---- authors note -----
Hey guys! Thanks for reading hehe :) did you expect that? Hmmmm. Please vote, comment an follow! cheers for reading guys!

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