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Havana 1717 -

Edward's POV --

I woke from the unbareable pain, spreading violently from the tip of my jaw, to my aching cheek bone and finally up to my temple. My skin felt tight from the swelling and it took all my effort to raise my bruised eyelids.


I was trapped, roughly tied to an old oak chair, in the centre of...

*Where the bloody hell was I*

It seemed like an old barn house? Cobwebs and dust streamed around the wooden walls like banners, piles of hay scattered in old stable stalls with a variety of sharp pitchforks, sugar cane machetes and branding-ions sat hanging from the brown wall, next to the double doors.

I squirmed unsuccessfully trying to escape the snake-like grip of the rope which rubbed at my skin. I jolted once or twice before the wound on my shoulder gave out fresh crimson droplets. The pain seeped through my shoulder blade up my neck and circled back round to its original place again.

"Stop your squirming, assassin!" I jumped unaware of the Templars presence.

"You bastard let me go!" I violently shouted at him, cursing his very existence before he couldn't take the insults anymore.

I was faced with a boney knuckle heading in my direction, I squinted awaiting the pain before his right hook smashed into my clenched jaw, the pain spreading into my cheeks and down my neck. I held my head up high, spitting the blood from my now- cut lip at his feet.
That sent him over the edge with rage.
His fists plummeting down on my now crushed cheekbone, storming at the chair knocking it and me to the side, slamming to the floor with a thud. He the took his feet and smashed my already bruised ribs with his sturdy leather boots.
I groaned from the pain, my body collapsing and falling apart unable to move from my position on the cool sand floor.

"That shut you up didn't it?! FILTH..." He spat at my face once again as I drifted between consciousness.

The smell of smoke intertwined with wood and steel heavily filled my nostrils, although I didn't move. I couldn't move, my body had been torn.
The Templar turned to greet me with a menacingly sick smile, I curled my lips in disgust.

"I think it's time you gave me answers Kenway... Where's Elizabeth?" I lay quiet unwilling to give him the satisfaction of an answer.

"BASTARD! SPEAK!..." before I could react, the branding-ion collided with the delicate flesh on my palm. Singeing the skin, filling the air with the smell of burning/decaying skin.
I gritted my teeth, groaning loudly from the blazing hot metal, until he pulled it away again.

"I'LL ASK AGAIN FILTH! WHERE IS SHE?... THAT WHORE OF A TRAITOR! WHERE IS SHE GOD DAMN IT!" He screamed the words, more than agitated from my silenced words.

The bright orange tip of burning steel hit my already burnt flesh, causing it to peel and crack from the strain. I once again gritted my teeth, this time he didn't stop.
His anger overcome him an he went mad, scaring my entire arm with singed burns. I let my body go weak, no more effort was made to try an escape the torcher...
I was ready to die.

I was not willing to tell him of Elizabeth's whereabouts, I cared for her too much. That lass had a certain effect on me which caused my skin to burn and itch. I hadn't felt like it since... Caroline...

I drifted into thought until i was suddenly pulled away from them, by the sound of swift metal plunging into flesh. I squirmed managing to look upward into the sunlight, only to see blood poring form the Templars lips as he took a sharp intake of air.


*she was here! Elizabeth was here...*

---- Authors note ---

Tried to make it interesting guys! Hope you enjoy. Took me ages to write haha :))) thanks for the reads an votes, much appreciated!

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