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----- Authors note ---

Warning this is a rather long chapter sooo yeah, anyways hope you guys enjoy have fun...


On the Jackdaw 1717 -

1 week later----

Edwards POV -

I lay on the soft sheets of the bed staring endlessly towards the wooden ceiling, my swollen face still aching and my stitched shoulder pounding with pain, it was taking its time to heal.

A sudden burst of light sliced through the dark, causing my eyes to avert towards the doors of the cabin.


I tried my hardest to smile, ignoring the pain that shot through my cheekbone. Her curvy form crept closer before settling on a small stool next to me. Her beige and navy blue attire crinkled as she sat leaning towards me taking a closer inspection of my once bullet wound. Her face became sad as she drifted in thought...

"E..Elizabeth..." I waited a moment before I got a response from the chocolate-colored haired lady.

"I'm fine Lass...Really I am." I tried to reasure her, but she said nothing. She just paused with a cold expression on her face while she drifted back off in her thoughts.

A few moments passed before she spoke. She wasn't acting... Usual?...

"Edward... Never go off on your own, not when I have bought fucking Templars looking for me...This is was all my fault, an I'm sorry for what has happened, truly I am. I would not wish it on anybody ever!...." She sounded a few quiet sobs before returning me a look.

"You mean so much to me... I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened..."

She stared at the floor as she spoke.

" I'm leaving... You'll never see me again, this way nothing can happen to you Edward... I'm going back to the Templars..." She stood bold from the stool but her head hung low as she walked away and towards the door. She paused for a moment, I could feel the tears falling from her eyes.

"G...Good bye Edward..." An with that the door closed and she had disappeared from my view. It felt like someone had ripped out my heart. I could feel my eyes becoming more an more watery.

She had left me, left me just like Caroline had.... She'd gone...

-- 2 days earlier --

Elizabeth's POV --

I sat on the golden sand, leaning against a boulder in a secluded area of beach, watching the moons light reflect on the rippling water and occasionally throwing pebbles in watching them sink.

I was deep in thought,

thinking about Edward an how we, felt about each other. We hadn't told each other yet, but it was evident when he Kissed me in secret the other night. It was a couple of days after I had rescued him from that bloody Templar. I still remember him leaning towards me, holding me in a warm embrace. His breathing became thick and heavy as did mine, before his lips were entwined with mine, slowly breaking apart, our eyes wide but we said nothing... Nothing needed to be said... Our action said it all.

I was ripped from my beautiful daydream, by a large, strong hand covering my mouth, the other holding a blade to my throat, urging me to cooperate.

"Filthy whore, you are... Do as I say or Edward and his crew won't live long missy!" His tone was deep and sharp, obviously another evil bastard of a Templar.

I was dragged to a near by ally and tied tightly with rope binding me to my spot. His blade was once again to my throat...

"Now you listen here, the boss has a plan. We are well aware of your feelings towards Master bloody Kenway and his for you. We hope to use this to our advantage. You must tell Edward your leaving him, tell him you will never see him again... He will soon realize he can't cope without his precious little whore an go looking for you... We will be waiting in Kingston along with you who will once again join our order to brake him. We will then have him killed, unless you decide to tell him he means nothing to you and tell him of your re alliance. Am i clear bitch!?!"

I shook my head squirming, I couldn't do that to Edward I love him. But if I don't emply he would be murdered. I felt the blade press to my throat, impatient for an answer.

"Yes, I will do as you fucking ask!" I hiss as tears streamed down my face.

"Good girl... Now come here give me a hug" I squirm, trying relentlessly to a avoid the mans groping, but fail as he punched my face, knocking me out against the wall, taking his prize...

-- Present day in Kingston ---

- Elizabeth's POV --

"Is it done whore?!..." The harsh voice sounded next to me as I flinched from his sudden appearance.

"Yes! It's done you bastard..."I squirmed as he pressed his body against mine.

" He believes I'm leaving..." My heart sank at the thought of Edward...

But next I knew I was on the floor, growing sleepy as I felt the sharp prick to my neck.... FUCKING TEMPLARS.

---- Authors note ----

What do ya think???? Did you expect that? Hahaha thanks for the reads an votes guys hope you enjoy!

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