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On the Jackdaw 1717 -

Edwards POV -

I stood on the deck of my ship, staring into the swirling pool of dark blue ocean.

My thoughts were covered by a think fog, loneliness was my only friend. I pushed Ade away from me even when he said it was a matter of life and death.

All I wanted was Elizabeth, the girl who I'd become so close to over those few weeks. Her chocolate coloured hair blowing in the wind as she stood on deck by me, strands tickling her ivory skin, trailing over her face towards her shiny hazel eyes and a sexy grin on her rosy lips.

I had so many feelings for her, that lass has left a hole in my chest after she'd gone... She didn't go willingly, or at least it didn't look it...

Why did Elizabeth leave me? Why?...

I needed to get answers.

Kingston --

Elizabeth's POV--

We tip-toed quickly, moving within the shadows of the hall way out of sight.

Glancing further through the tunnel like hall ways, we came to a stop behind some barrels of rum. James faced me, lifting his index finger to his lips making a small "shhh" sound before letting his arm fall down beside him once more.

We moved in unison glaring round the edge of the barrels, our eyes taking in all our targets starting to plan our route towards the chamber which we knew had our attire in.

Two sets of three guards wondered around the hall, checking in the haystacks and dark corners every two

Circuits. They would be easy to take out... If timed correctly.

There were another two guards, guarding the chamber. They were more advanced than the others, their muscles bulged under their red uniform with thick armour protecting mostly everything but the neck and face. They were armed with bombs and a large axe that sat weighted in the holster by their right hand side.

We took our opportunity, exchanging a look before splitting. I hid in the haystack on the left whilst James crouched behind some barrels on the right.

The three red coats were stomping towards me, pausing whilst looking around parting from each other. The first two went towards some barrels whilst the third came my way. Silently but deadly I lunged forward appearing out of the hay for a split second, grabbing my target by the neck and snapping it to the right, hearing the crunch and then I pulled his body into the stack behind me.

The two others oblivious to the missing presence carried on looking around and then continued to circuit.

I saw James jump out from behind the barrels, taking down the two red coats that were left over from my silent attack.

Time to move forward.

We joined once again, huddling together in the haystack by the next three guards. We pounced on our pray, I broke two of their necks after one threw a punch at my face, leaving a deep purple mark on my cheek.

Letting James take out the left over guard.

Now just for the two at the door. We strolled arrogantly into their view, letting them know why we had done an that they were about to endure the same fait. They looked at us with smirks held firmly on their faces and bought their axes to face us. We had no weapons, but we had experience.

We could defeat them.

We both defended ourselves, it was one on one. After stopping the blow of the axe the third time in a row, a surge of adrenaline caused me to pivot around his fourth blow and punch the back of his knee cap, causing him to fall, kneeling before me. I then took a death grip on his neck twisting it 180 degrees.

The sound of snapping satisfied me an my once enemy lay limp on the floor.

I looked over at James, he had also finished off hi target.

I grinned at him " shall we?!" I gesture to the door and he nodded.

---- Authors note -----

Hey guys thanks for reading :) Edward should hope fully be in the next chapter. If not then definitely the one after, trust me there is a good reason ;) cheers for the votes and stuff x

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