Lost all hope

436 22 4

Authors note -----



Kingston 1717 -

Elizabeth's POV -

After all this time, I finally felt at peace knowing that Edward would be safe due to the fact I have given no information to the Templars. I would not allow them the satisfaction of hurting Edward, who I have finally figured out is the person my heart belongs to. They will not hurt him if its the last thing I do before I head to the gallows.

The gushing beams of orange and yellow light start to appear through the tiny barred window on the confined prison wall above me, allowing me to know that dawn has come.

I sit huddled in the corner, comforting my broken and bruised body knowing my time is near. I know I will die today. But I will die knowing even though these bastards can torcher me and break my body until I can't move, they can't brake my heart or my soul and they can't get their filthy hands on Edward.

I peek up from behind my scruffy rags that drown me, as the familiar sound of that bastards footsteps walk towards my cell doors. I don't give him the satisfaction of eye contact or even any kind of movement.

He chuckles grimly and then spits at me with fury, gripping my jaw with his large hands, jerking my head upwards forcing me to look into his sick and twisted eyes.

"You know what day it is bitch?"

He smirks whilst grabbing my sickly thin body and slams it into the jagged brick wall.

"It's the day you are washed from my hands and sent to the gallows classed as the filthy, worthless, little whore you are. Nothing and nobody can save you from your fate, you will die knowing that we will kill all that remain of your pathetic life, including your beloved Kenway!" He smashes his fist into my ribs that already look like they are protruding from my scrawny body and the familiar sounds of crunching bone is like a song on repeat.

I know longer feel the pain, I'm numb to sensation and emotions. All I do is let out a small effortless chuckle at his pathetic words.

"Really... you decide to threaten me with you stupid, meaningless words now of all times. You think I'm scared of death. I've welcomed it and embraced it into my soon to be ended life knowing that my efforts to deprive you of information on the assassins has worked. Don't threaten me with false accusations...You can't threaten me. My destiny to stop you has been for filled and I embrace my last few hours of life happily knowing that I, a single woman, has stopped your pathetic, worthless, little order from doing anything to Edward and the others."

I see the anger grow, spreading like a disease on his face. The red fills his entire face showing that I have finally managed to pull a trigger inside of him that I wasn't mean to. I feel the smirk grow on my face as I see his anger grow more and more, increasing his breathing until it sounds and looks as if his head will blow up.

"GUARDS! GET THIS MEANINGLESS BITCH OUT OF MY SIGHT! CHAIN HER UP!" His anger erupts and then he comes close to me whispering in my ear "it's show time bitch."

Just as soon as he said the words, two brutes appeared from behind him an hauled me to my knees chaining my hands behind my back and bounding my ankles together with the metal clasps before punching me as a sending off gift. My lifeless body is dragged out of the cell on my knees. the crowds shouts of disgust becoming louder and louder as we get closer to the prison entrance that leads to the town square. My knees are burning from the sensation of being dragged across the dirt floor.

We finally brake out of the damp, gloomy prison, the daylight burning into my eyes, causing me to squint in pain as they won't adjust to the change in lighting. I instantly hear the hiss of the crowd and the food being launched at me as I'm dragged behind William towards the wooden structure that holds the noose awaiting my head.

I'm pushed onto my front, unable to stop myself as my hands are bound. A single, heavy, dominant foot is brought to sit upon my back and pressed firmly against it, claiming me.

" We are here today to witness the death of this pitiful peace of shit to hang by the neck until pronounced dead. Her schemes and plots have caused OUR community to suffer its profits and loved ones to be killed mercilessly by HER hand." he picks me up and brings me to the front of the stage carrying on his stupid speech, as I look throughout the crowd hopelessly trying to find the beautiful blonde locks and familiar hazy blue eyes I longed to see before my final moments, only to be interrupted by the brown sack that Is savagely thrown over my head and the rope of the noose to be tightened at the base of my neck.

"Until pronounced dead." Are the last things I hear clearly.

This is it... this is my life over....

I then hear the pull of the leaver and scrunch my eyes shut awaiting my fait. I feel the rope constrict around my neck as I drop through the whole. It's grasp cutting of my air supply.

A sudden gunshot is heard and the crowd gasp as the tightness of the rope loosens an i drop to the floor beneath me.


He's here.

Authors note -----

OMG this took ages to write, felt like it needed to be long for making all you guys wait! Thanks for reading hehe. Excited for the next bit :)

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